Parenthood changes your heart, your mind, your body, your bank account, your furniture, your backseat, your carpet, your TV-watching, your (ahem!) love life, your wardrobe and your sleep. But it also forever alters your vocabulary. My brother and I used to roll our eyes at our parents when they used our "baby words" in place of the right ones--"macky-noo" for vacuum, "pension stick" for thermometer, etc. Yet here I am, a mother, and I find our family's vocabulary permanently transformed by my children's bumbling and adorable way of saying things. Here is a small sampling of some family favorites ("real" word in green):
Mean poopy -- diarrhea
Daddy juice -- Dr. Pepper
Kee-nonnies -- chicken nuggets
Giant weck-tangle -- big-screen TV
Hock-a-doo -- helicopter
Baby Bobs -- cherry tomatoes (think Veggie Tales)
Smashed potatoes -- mashed potatoes
Homa-homa -- Oklahoma (where we live)
Chicken-chicken-pie-pie -- chicken pot pie
Licka-nodeon -- Nickelodeon
So, here's where it gets fun. Admit it, you all do it too. In my comments section, share the funny terms your kids created that you'll still be using when they're in college.
EDITED TO ADD: Be sure you scroll down and see the hilarious comment by RSD...that's my brother! His funny story about how my niece says "fork"...well, I'm laughing out loud.
What a fun idea and how funny you just posted this. I just today got a pix of my daughter in her 'shepherd' coat--now I have to post it!
Posted by: Owlhaven | Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 10:26 PM
Mangling the language is a sport in my family.
Smashed tapatoes -- mashed potatoes
Spasghetti -- spaghetti
Destructions -- instructions
Nicken chuggits -- chicken nuggets
Posted by: harpingheather | Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 10:32 PM
My family calls footies w/ little cotton balls on the back - chicken socks.
I have no idea why.
I forgot all about it until reading this post.
Posted by: Liz | Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 10:44 PM
How fun...and a trip down laughter lane...
Chicken de needle-chicken noodle soup.
Gift cefertificate- gift certificate (this one I memorized and made my boys all messed up, cuz they don't know how to even say it right since we went with the cute saying for so long!)
Assuage thighparitis- Massage therapist.
eesha bye- see ya, bye!
Praise the Lloyd! Praise the Lord (he just got so excited it sounded like Lloyd)
cheese yuckie supper- cheeseburgers!
Pasgetti- spaghetti
Coffee hot- hot chocolate
Thanks for letting remember some of these...where did my little boys go??
Posted by: Suzi | Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 11:05 PM
"Tween bee you and me"--between you and me
"Hot Hots"-- Krispy Kreme donuts
"Jeebus" -- Jesus
"Marshellows" --marshmallows
"No way, Cozay" --No way Jose
Those are the ones off the top of my head. Kids are SO much fun!
Posted by: peach | Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 11:39 PM
Would you believe I can only think of one right now? We have nortado's for tornado's. (see it as part of my post tomorrow.) I'll keep thinking and come back if more come to me. Sorry... but I have thoroughly loved reading all the others!!
Posted by: momrn2 | Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 11:51 PM
Bunsketty - Spaghetti
Pespi - Pepsi
Waviowee - Ravioli
Yum Yum's - Hotdogs with Cheese
I'm sure there's more, but this is what comes to mind right away.
Posted by: Jamison | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 12:12 AM
The only one I can think of is Nump-no = oatmeal
Also Smick.
Posted by: Missy | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 12:26 AM
Oh, my, we have a million, but I'll only share my favorite. When he was about two years old, my oldest son sneezed while strapped in his carseat and called out to the front seat, "Hey, you dies (you guys)! what do I do with all dis (this). . .boogey sauce?"
Posted by: Kim in IL | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 06:00 AM
My favorite right now is what my two year old calls SpongeBob. "Bun-job."
Remote control is the "patroller"
Ketchup is "checkup"
Peanut buuter and Jelly is "Bo-Jay"
And take a bath is to "take a tubby."
Posted by: Heth | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 07:38 AM
my youngest (of the first brood) loved pasketti (spaghetti) and we still call it that. She's 21,married and a mom herself now.
Posted by: Faith | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 09:16 AM
While my son is still to young to speak, we use a term that my husband used to say to his mom and dad (grandma & grandpa) when he was little, and hubby started saying it to our son when he was born, and grandma & grandpa say it to my son when they babysit... so it's come full circle.
Seepy time - Time to go to sleep.
Lovin all the other words, and can't wait until we have some of our own to share!
Posted by: GiBee | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 10:13 AM
It would be so cute if some did a little book on what kids say.
bebe = pacifer
sausage = sauce
dudaber = screwdriver
tetup = ketchup
toap =soap
Posted by: Jennifer | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 11:37 AM
This is a list comprised of things my kids have said and things *I* may have said as a kid.
headtuke- no known phrase for this...this is that cute maneuver that cats do when they tuck their heads "chin up" when laying on their sides? My son wrote this in first grade describing our cat.
Key-cah Kitty cat
noo bankoo (with both hands waving in front of you) No, thank you!
Posted by: robin | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 01:05 PM
HoeBoats = Honey Bunches of Oats
Nee No = tinkle
My daughter also says "fork" in a way that I shouldn't post, and since she usually says she wants a "fork 'n spoon" with each meal she sounds like she is a drunken sailor demanding a spoon!
Posted by: rsd | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 01:14 PM
Um...ok. I think we were on the same wave length today. YOu need to see my post today! How weird is that?
Posted by: Queen Beth | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 01:18 PM
How funny! I'm about to laugh out loud with all these.
My favorite one is from Bubba's babyhood. He loved soup, and would beg for "poop." Timex, OTOH, begs for a cheeztick or nee-nuggets. Can't wait until Short Stuff can talk!
Posted by: Amy in IN | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 02:10 PM
RSD, that is how my now four year old used to say the word frog. We would cringe evertime talk of frogs came up and then would have to quickly explain his mispronunciation to whoever was around.
Posted by: Heth | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 04:39 PM
These are great!
hip-ups = hiccups
away! = trash needs to be thrown away
eyebrowNs - eyebrows
My five year old unfortunately leaves off the 'd' in the word directions. Um yes, 'erections' is how that sounds. The rest of us don't repeat that one.
Posted by: HolyMama! | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 04:43 PM
mush-mash - mustache
'mote-troll= remote control
baby-suit=bathing suit
piss-ghetti=spaghetti (sorry)
gyoo = girl
disdo= sister
bo-bee= brother
anything = nothing
And many more....
We had an interesting time learning to speak.
Posted by: Carol | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 07:59 PM funny.
Ball-guts = Vacuum
Bee-butt = syrup
fan = meme
pasgetti an meat-bulbs, self explanitory.
Posted by: jennybee aka emma | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 10:22 PM
Kranky = spicey
gwaf-quoi = washcloth
bominal = post-it notes
(I have no idea where this one came from. It's new.)
Posted by: Kathryn, The Daring One | Friday, February 24, 2006 at 11:36 PM
My nephew cracked everyone up over the holidays by trying say that his grandfather is a lawyer: instead, he announced, "Bebo is a liar!"
Posted by: ajay | Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 10:47 AM
"Commode" instead of remote control
Posted by: Jeana | Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 12:58 PM
So so funny. we have chicken pot pie as chicken ha ha...... and our daddy juice is red wine!! Great post...just love reading your blog.
Posted by: jenn v | Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 04:16 PM
Mazagine for the town "magazine" 7 mi down the road.
Sh-t and Spin for the Sit and Spin game we bought the kids!
busketti for spaghetti.
doodie for my son's you know what!
Back bottom and front bottom my daughter used for her privates! (by the way, my daughter is the hostess for this blog!)
Posted by: hogphan | Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 05:02 PM
I just laughed out loud so hard that my 3-year-old actually looked away from the TV while watching Little Einsteins! Here's some of ours:
Peace Offser= Police Officer (daddy's occupation)
Hiccups= Handcuffs
Hopter= Helicopter
Hooey= bowel movement, derived from the sound mommy made while changing early diapers
Bonnom= Bottom
Scripies= Rice Krispy Treats
Fur Fauff= Burp Cloth
Jesus Book= Hymn book for kids
Lalala= Baby Einstein videos... long story
circle french fries= round tater tots from Burger King
Pampakes with sup= Pancakes with syrup
Egg pampakes= omlettes (hey, makes them eat them!)
Mommy Beans= lima beans
Nana Mints= Tic Tacs
Poppy Sticks= toothpicks
Greenfire= Grandfather
We have more, but I'll stop. With 3 kids under 3, we never stop laughing. BTW, our 2 year old says fork the same way.... *cringe*
Posted by: Cop's Wife | Tuesday, March 07, 2006 at 10:29 AM
This is my first time here, and I'm lovin' it! I just had to add some of the words we heard when our 3 teens were little folks:
dot dog = hot dog
spickets = biscuits
hummy = hungry
Dute = Duke
put uppa dutes = put up your dukes
Molly Butt = Molly Mutt, our dog at the time (this was yelled at the top of the lungs out the back door, of course)
chichen = kitchen
yoat milk = oatmeal
beserk = dessert
shirk = shirt
When my little brother was a toddler, a bome was a grape, and an ortu was a horse. We never figured out where he got those from. Ok, I'll stop now.
Posted by: Susan | Friday, March 10, 2006 at 07:05 PM