I'm Sorry Shouldn't Be the Hardest Words -- Newsweek
Adoption: the Heart of the Gospel -- Desiring God Ministry
Memes List -- Heart of Wisdom
Tie One On Rick Rack -- Angry Chicken / Flickr
New Direction For Christian Publishing? -- byFaith Online
Hey Sis,
The byFaith article brought another link to mind: http://www.imagejournal.org/100books/
Image journal is dedicated to Christianity and the Arts and though it is not openly evangelical or conservative it is at least committed to the same central tenets. The above link is to their choice for the top 100 books of the last century written from the Christian worldview. This is often the list to which I go before I head to the library.
Posted by: reed | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 09:32 AM
Thank you for sharing Robin's Heart of Wisdom blog. Although I've used one of her books and seriously am considering some of her others, I did not know she had a blog.
I always learn something thoughtful, new, useful, fun and fruitful here, Shannon.
Many thanks,
Posted by: Joyful Days | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 12:12 PM
I loved the reference regarding adoption. True on so many levels. I too am an adoptive mother of two internationally adoptive children both are with special needs. Like each one of us grafted into the vine they are ours. We are all one togeather invested into each other. I wonder if as an older mother of small ones if I will see the generations to come I know that if we pass we must trust God to be there for the kids. I have non other to trust. If I die what will my 50+ husband do but trust in God to make a way and visa vera.
They are no longer in an orphanage so they are free to have a life and a promise.
Posted by: donetta | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 12:52 PM
Thanks for the great reads. I'm especially encouraged by the Heart of Wisdom blog, and I didn't even know it existed until today.
Posted by: Clemntine | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 02:43 PM
Those aprons were cute. Almost makes me wish I wore one. :)
The article about Christian fiction vs. Christian literature was intriguing. I think even "lite" Christian fiction has its place -- when I'm at the dentist's office I need something I can easily get into to take my mind off of things. :) But it shouldn't all be "lite."
Thought the first article made some great points, too. I think people are sometimes afraid of grief but we need to realize it is a normal emotion and to let people process it however they need to. I wrote here about a Christian catch-phrase I have heard in recent years to those who are grieving.
Posted by: Barbara H. | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 04:21 PM
The grief story was a good reminder for me.I have experienced lots of death in my immediate family.The wake up call on what to say was when my nephew died tragically 3 years ago.I couldn't say naything to my sister and now realize that just by letting her talk was the best thing .
Posted by: Tammy | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 05:32 PM
Thanks for the links!
Posted by: Jungle Mom | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 05:51 PM
Thanks so much for that article on Christian literature. I was saying, "Amen," all through the reading of it. I wound up blogging about it and including a link to another article along the same vein that I read years ago. It gives me hope to read that maybe, just maybe, Christian publishing and media is taking steps to pull themselves out of the mediocrity they've been swimming in for years.
Posted by: Ewokgirl | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 09:52 PM
I pray Shannon is squirreled away banging out great literature with a Christian worldview. We await your debut...all for His glory.
~warm smile~
All's grace,
Ann (who is giggling with glee over her own tinkler this week, too! ~grin~)
Posted by: Holy Experience | Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 11:53 PM
I loved the article on adoption from John Piper. I'm an adoptive mom already and we're eagerly waiting to adopt another baby, but the waiting has been extra hard this time around. This article was like a shot in the arm to keep trusting in the Lord's calling in our lives. Thanks for the link!
Posted by: Sincerely Anna | Monday, May 28, 2007 at 10:06 AM
New Direction in Christian Publishing was a great read because I'm confronting some of these attitudes. My agent edited out a section in my book discussing "Simply Abundance" by Sarah Breathnach. "Simple Abundance" made a world of difference in how I viewed life, clutter, and my faith. Yes, sometimes she leans toward spirituality instead of Christianity, but as a Christian, I believe we must embrace the spirituality of our faith. She does mention God, many, many times in the book. Anyway, the agent thought my references may offend some Christian Publishers. That narrowness bothers me. Like the article said, "The Bible was not nice, it deals with the muck of life." Sometimes we have to explore the muck in different places to understand our faith and God.
Posted by: Kathy/ Lessons from the Laundry | Monday, May 28, 2007 at 12:44 PM