Today is another BACKWARDS edition of Works-For-Me Wednesday, in which you present a dilemma to your readers and get their best ideas.
So, here's the deal. I own a portfolio of collateralized debt obligations, delta-hedged, using the ABX index. Since volatility has increased in the last year, the portfolio has under-performed, due to the negative convexity of the bonds. How would you remedy this situation, and what underlying risks do you see in this financial strategy?
Oh, y'all. I am SO kidding. That was the question Hubs suggested.
Mine? Is about socks.
Guess which one of us scored higher on the SAT?
Anyhoo, back to the socks. After just a handful of washings, ours always end up gray. I have tried bleaching--even soaking in bleach--and I can never get them all pearly white again. Is there some trick I'm missing? Is there something else you can wash dingy socks in to make them all pretty?
Give me your best go at sock advice (or bond market volatility, whichever floats your boat).
Play along at your own blog, too. Post your dilemma(s), and let your readers weigh in. Then put your link below, using the guidelines.
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(Please note: To keep away the spammers, links will close at 8 pm CST.)
1. Rookie Mom 101 (MILK DEBATE 2008) 2. Lady Why (Grease Stain Help?) 3. Audra Krell (Blog-Pony Show) 4. Amber @ BGH (feed burning question) 5. Amy @ MomsToolbox (leftover chkn recipes) 6. Happy To Be At Home (Bookmark worthy blogs?) 7. PASS THE TORCH (How to Quit Cable) 8. MG (EASY Tomato Recipes??) 9. The Diaper Diaries (Kindergarden) 10. mzzterry (help w/ jewelry storage!!) 11. A Simple Walk (Busy-time activities for preschoolers?) 12. Happy Housewife (books for boys) 13. Kimberly/Mom in the City 14. Christa @ No End in Site (name please!) 15. $5 Dinner Mom (Fruit Flies?) 16. Shane (yellow arms in white t-shirts) 17. Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers (Listen to the Apple Tree!?) 18. aunt mommy (I\'ve got the White Stuff, baby) 19. Smellyann (letting go?) 20. Green Baby Guide (Selling Kids Clothes?) 21. Making Memaries (homeschool help) 22. The Apron Queen (Rise Early or Sleep Late?) 23. We are THAT family (The Nest) 24. Amy @ By His Grace (calming a preschool momma) 25. Shalee (Fashion Help - Seriously) 26. Elizabeth (traveling with an infant) 27. Robin ~ PENSIEVE (Side Dish Recipes PLEASE!) 28. Smockity Frocks (Moving/Packing Tips?) 29. TongguMomma (Dumpster Diving) 30. Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers (Lunch Help) 31. Hip Baby or Not? 32. Happy Geek (Thumb Sucking) 33. Felicity (Designing A Dream Office) 34. KnappKnotes (Budgeting) 35. Amy @ A Day in the Life (School Organization?) 36. Homeschool Classroom (Favorite homeschool books/curriculum?)) 37. Hotomom (Sleep Issues) 38. KnappKnotes (Meal Planning) 39. Real Life (Kindergarten Meltdowns?) 40. Many Little Blessings (Favorite Mop or Mopping System?) 41. Motherhood For Dummies 42. Emily @ Little Home (Storing the Recycling) 43. Lisa@blessedwithgrace(wood eating baby?) 44. Carol ~ Help with a new blog 45. Angie (Favorite WordPress Template Site or Designer) 46. Andi (sleep schedule) 47. Milehimama (Black Powdery Onions) 48. tina in thailand ( cookies and school) 49. My Twenty Cents Keeps Moving (fleas) 50. Runningamuck (Night Terrors) 51. Jordan @ MamaBlogga (get kids to eat) 52. Rhen @ YESTHEYAREALLMINE 53. Slacker Mom (finding balance - is it possible?) 54. Kerri (help with dishwasher decision) 55. Greenstylemom ("green" puppy advice) 56. Summer (Help me with my laundry!) 57. Mother Hen (acne cure) 58. Mindy Said - Battling School Forgetfulness 59. iPod Issues 60. Monica @ Daily Dwelling (cleaning schedule) 61. Julie (Waking up Grumpy Kid) 62. April (homeschooling on the go) 63. Cindy (get chalk stains out) 64. OW (bedtime struggles- HELP!) 65. Christine (cheap books? anyone?) 66. Donna(Megan (4) Needs Your Lunch Ideas!) 67. margalit (Help with fruit flies) 68. Robin (ammonia smell in shower) 69. Lizzie(I need unlimited long distance!) 70. Dayna (family website) 71. mom2my9 (children and discipline?) 72. Janet (Extreme Home Makeover.. Need decorating tips, Please!) 73. Suburban Matron (Room Mom?) 74. Annie @ Having a Ball (Need Boy Advice!) 75. Totallyscrappy- (Kids & Chores) 76. Lori ~ Simple Life at Home (Getting Pans Clean) 77. Muses of Megret (musty closet remedies?) 78. Joanna @ One Krusty Mama (school snacks, acne and dresses) 79. LeeAnn (AKA FrazzMom) Sneaky vegetable ideas? 80. Karla @ Ramblin\' Roads 81. Karla @ Ramblin\' Roads (datebook?) 82. e-Mom (Twitter Questions???) 83. I\'d Like to Have This Baby NOW 84. Lisa ~ mom of 11 (Playing with the Big Dogs.. Help!) 85. Katie @ 3 Blondes and a Redhead (cleaning help!) 86. Simply A Musing Blog (need new blogs to read) 87. Amanda (shopping addict) 88. Munchkins and Music (teens and music) 89. Organizing Mommy 90. Diane 91. Diane (picture frame question) 92. Kristin (Where to shop online) 93. Brenda (ring around the collar) 94. Brenda - correct link! 95. Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates (Effortless toilet cleaning?) 96. Kristin (Help Me with My Banner) 97. Barefoot in High Heels (buying jars of baby food) 98. Amy @ Finer Things (Football Frenzy) 99. Liza\'s Eyeview 100. Liza\'s Eyeview (get kids to eat veggies) 101. Leanne - The Need to Read 102. momsfrugal (OAMC, recipes?) 103. Lizzie\'s Home (beginner vegetable garden?) 104. Mandi (Menu Planning) 105. Mary Ann\'s House(grain mill recommendations) 106. Susan(VisitingNYCTipsAnyone?) 107. Mrs. Sprinkles (training bad cats) 108. warillever (read-aloud books/prayer songs) 109. The Hunter\'s Wife (Fish or Not) 110. flexible dreams (raising a bully?!?!) 111. Kim (Need mosquito repellent) 112. Kim ~ My Journey (Recipe & Movie Ideas for Fall) 113. Jen (HE Washer Odor) 114. Jen (Epson Printer Issues ) 115. JessieLeigh (Storing Expressed Breastmilk) 116. Homeschoolin\' Hot rodders- Mildew in Caulking 117. Llama Momma (dinner on soccer night?) 118. Trixie @ Farmhomelife (Giving to Foodbanks) 119. Jen @ Mommay\'s Mayhem (Chores) 120. Growing Great Kids - Atrocious Art Table 121. Sheila ~ To Love, Honor and Vacuum (clothing allowances!) 122. Amy Andrews (perfectionistic children) 123. Peggie (work lunches) 124. Milissa (Skincare) 125. Lisa@ Hopewell (litter box for small house/4 cats) 126. Kim @ Beanish & Other Languages I\'m Learning - praise CD recommendations 127. Miaa Mommy (Scrambled Eggs..Teach Me Please) 128. Missy (kids fighting) 129. Heidi and Gretchen (hiding veggies in food) 130. Heather\'s Hodgepodge (house-selling tips needed) 131. Sandra (cleaning tub toys?) 132. Beth@sportsmomma (crockpot recipes) 133. Aunt Murry - making ends meet 134. A Frugal Housewife (Mosquito Bites) 135. beth(home schooling) |
136. Jolanthe - Help with Cleaning Upholstery 137. Wade\'s World (how to get rid of the crib) 138. Peggie (WAHM help) 139. Beth@sportsmomma (getting started on ETSY) 140. Jen (Your child\'s favorite snack) 141. Brittany( Mouthy Preschooler) 142. Rebekah @Mundane Musings (Laundry help) 143. Sarah (Fun Toddler Activities?) 144. Delighted Mom (Recipes for Kids) 145. Carrie (Baby Won\'t Take Bottle!) 146. Tari - The Grass Widow\'s Diary (dog bite) 147. The Apron Queen (Use Vintage Treasures?) 148. Jeni (Potty Training) 149. sandwiched (Chores!) 150. April(camera question) 151. Full of Boys (lunches & books) 152. Hope@Pinkadoodledoo (Face Care) 153. Martie\'s House (Mom of 9 needs photography help!) 154. Maren - rust stains on tub 155. The Stiletto Mom (Blogroll) 156. Heather L. (Night Trianing?) 157. The Fat Bottomed Girl (Gardening Ideas) 158. Tara @ Feels like home (family bed) 159. Wooden Porch (Homeschool with toddler?? HELP!) 160. The Gluten-Free Homemaker (blog help) 161. 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Amyswandering (good iron, decaf coffee) 232. Munchkinheads (Chores!!!!!!!!) 233. Wife and Mommy (Green cleaning) 234. Garibay Soup (1st Grade Homework Ideas) 235. Jenny (sibling squabbles) 236. Still Learning (ideas for milestone birthday?) 237. Raising Oaks of Righteousness (allowence help!) 238. Crayl. Son\'s Handwriting, Need Help 239. Marcy @ Stretching a Buck (How to Clean Stroller/Car Seat Covers?) 240. Life in a Small Northern Town--diabetic receipes 241. Lee (Disneyland and Christmas) 242. Happy Mommy 243. Michelle (coupons or health) 244. Missy @ McNeely Five (canning food) 245. Jen @ JenuineJen (christmas planning) 246. Rachel (Menu Planning-HELP) 247. Frog Mom (PottyTrainingTwins) 248. Fresh Girl (40th birthday party suggestions) 249. Family Focused Fun (Preparing for baby #2 tips please!) 250. Laurie @ Whatever Comes To Mind (playroom organization help, please!!) 251. PastormacsAnn (recipes needed!) 252. Fishbowl Sense - (Entrecard Anyone?) 253. 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Hook. Line. Sinker. You totally had me!
I know nothing about socks. Ours are devoured by the couch cushions before they turn grey;))
Posted by: Kelly @ Pass the Torch | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:12 PM
LOL! Hubs is funny! ;)
Sorry I don't have any help for your whites question. Our water has so much iron in it that they end up hopelessly yellow. Our solution? Buy new socks. :)
Posted by: Amber (BGH) | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:12 PM
Oxi clean!! This stuff is super. I have learned that if I soak her whites in the oxi clean for one hour before putting in the washing machine it gets gets them even whiter! A little miracle in a box.
Posted by: Rookie Mom 101 -- Kari | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:12 PM
Geez, the answer is simple. You go to Target and buy new socks.
That's what I do, anyway. Just don't ask me to tell you how to keep them properly matched up.
Posted by: suburbancorrespondent | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:14 PM
Get yourself some Oxy Clean. This stuff actually performs miracles! You won't regret it. Just follow the instructions as indicated on the package for the size load you will be doing, and feel free to double up on the recommended scoops! They will get whiter faster.
Posted by: Heather B | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:14 PM
Lye soap-I'm not kidding. We even sell it at the historic house museum where I work, and the older ladies buy it up like crazy when they see our display.
Posted by: Melessa | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:16 PM
I have no clue about the socks. I need help with our white t-shirts!
Posted by: Elizabeth | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:22 PM
Does it take awhile for the water to come out hot from your faucet? If so, your washer might be using cold water rather than hot, as well. (You are washing whites in hot, right?) Run the water near the washer for a bit until it gets hot and then start the washer so you get the super hot water. Hope that helps.
Posted by: Amy @ MomsToolbox | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:23 PM
Ha ha! You R funny! As I was reading it, I was substituting "blah blah blah di blah" for everything after portfolio. Then I snapped to it when I saw "socks".
Posted by: Smockity Frocks | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:24 PM
I've read this (environmentally-friendly)tip from various sources (including Martha Stewart Living magazine)...
You can whiten linens, napkins, socks, etc. on the stove by filling a pot with water, add a few slices of lemon and bringing to a boil. After turning off the heat, put you whites in the pot and let them soak for about an hour. Afterwards, you can wash the whites like normal but for extra-brightening, you should hang them out in the sunlight to dry.
(Personally, that's too much work for me, so I just replace my kids white socks seasonally and use the dingy socks for crafts, etc.)
On another note, my Works-For-Me Wednesday dilemma involves managing my preschool commute (which starts this Thursday!) for my oldest son.
Posted by: Kimberly/Mom in the City | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:25 PM
Okay, I TOTALLY fell for it! You got me!
If bleach doesn't work on the socks, I'd give Oxi-Clean a try.... I recently started using it instead of liquid color safe bleach with each load of laundry and it works great!
Posted by: Kim | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:28 PM
i was really concentrating on that first question for a minute there.
just buy gray socks.
Posted by: chickadee@afamiliarpath | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:33 PM
I don't know what to do with either question. And I scored pretty decent on the ACT. Got anything on algebra or chemistry?
Posted by: The Diaper Diaries | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:34 PM
My husband started requesting black athletic socks! Then I realized that men's black ankle socks (so short so you can't see them) are in style with running shoes and such. This is the kind that he meant, thank goodness :) Having dark socks helps me think they are cleaner at least!
Posted by: Emily @ Little Home | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:41 PM
I so did not get that!!!
I'm glad no one else did either!
Ok so I don't have ...sock problems that a little ole'toss em and buy new ones don't solve!
I kid I kid...seriously we have hard water and it seems the "Arm and Hammer" soap is doing the trick!
Try it?! It's what works for me!
Love this title btw!
Posted by: Dawn | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:46 PM
Soak them in borax. Then let them dry out in the sun. Works like a charm.
Posted by: Lora Lynn | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:47 PM
Move further south and ban all sock wearing for at least 9 months of the year. Make exceptions for kids playing soccer and hubby who needs to maintain an appropriate dresscode at work. Crocs, sandals, and flipflops are your friend.
Posted by: rachel | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:53 PM
I have no idea. I always use a little bleach in the whites when I wash and I think it does the trick. But my boys are younger than yours so I don't think I've hit the same level of sock abuse as you are currently experiencing. But maybe if you buy a new batch and use bleach each and everytime you wash them? You've probably already tried that but that's all I got. Sorry. =0)
I'll be watching for what ends up working for you so that I can "file" that information and bring it out in a couple years. For my sock-sanity sake.
Posted by: Runningamuck | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:54 PM
I agree with the other commenters who recommend not buying white socks. I don't think I've ever had a pair and I don't feel like I've suffered in any way. In fact, I'd venture to say that my life is better without white socks weighing me down with their dingy ways.
Posted by: Rebecca (Green Baby Guide) | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:56 PM
Oh! You totally had me! I was thinking, "Dang, Shannon's uppin' her game here!"
Socks? Socks I can do :)
I swear by Oxi Clean. I use the powder stuff, and I add it to every load. I never knew my stuff had such color (or in the case of white socks, no color). If I have a particulary stubborn stain (or dingy batch of socks), I'll soak it in the tub or sink with some warm water and a healthy helping of OC. I haven't been disappointed yet (even got permenant marker off a shirt!)
Good luck!
Posted by: Daiquiri | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 10:57 PM
Already mentioned, but OxyClean. It's magical. It even gets poop stains out of baby clothes!
Posted by: Minnesotamom | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 11:00 PM
Ya know, I scored higher than my dh on those college things, but I'd still be more interested in the socks answer.
Posted by: Tracy | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 11:06 PM
I stopped caring. They are boys. White is truly lost on them.
However, sun bleaching kept my cloth diapers as white as the day I bought them. Put them out wet in the sun to dry and voila, whiter than snow.
Posted by: [email protected] | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 11:10 PM
OxyClean or straight peroxide. Soak them suckas till they come clean.
Posted by: Calista Patterson | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 11:17 PM
I use Borax. It's a pretty green product and you can soak clothes in it and throw it in the wash with your regular detergent too. Doesn't ruin fabric like bleach, at least not that I've noticed. It's been keeping my cloth diapers pretty white, so would probably work on socks too. Here's a little tip though... If the stains aren't completely out after a wash, soak em again before drying. Once you dry... there's no hope.
Posted by: Tiffanie | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 11:31 PM
Try using vinegar instead of your fabric softener. Sometimes the chemicals leave a residue behind that the vinegar can get out. Your clothes won't have a vinegar smell and the towels are super absorbent!
Posted by: Maria | Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 11:36 PM
As others have said, OxyClean is your best friend. It works best if you soak things in it for a day or so before washing them. The formula I use is 1 tsp. OxyClean to 1/4 cup water. It even gets out dried blood!
And who knows, maybe the OxyClean would help with your bond problem too. I'm not so good at the financial stuff myself. (And it's not just a question of brains. I can do calculus in my head, but accounting makes my eyes cross.)
Posted by: Heidi | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:05 AM
I haven't figured out the sock thing. We are a gray-sock family. Great carnival and I can't wait to read all the others. Thanks!
Posted by: mom2my9 | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:12 AM
I have become something of a laundry-sorting freak. I only wash whites with other white things. No prints, no stripes, no trim, no nothing. Every now and then I'll add bleach to the load, but not every time. That seems to do it.
Posted by: Becky | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:17 AM
I liked the first question. I'm probably more qualified to answer that than the sock question. Not even sure what color our socks were originally....
Posted by: camila | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:20 AM
I've used the following Amway/Quixtar products for years and years. My socks are always white. No, I'm not trying to sell you anything - lol. Second to the laundry products, the next most important thing is to never wash your socks with anything other than white clothes. Never, ever, not even on cold.
Here are the products I use:
SA-8 powdered laundry detergent
All Fabric Bleach
I've also found that if you use Oxi-Clean for too long your clothes end up kind of crisp.
Posted by: Cheri | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:33 AM
I like Oxi-clean, but when things get really dingey, I use Mrs. Stewart's Bluing ~ tried and true. (You can find it at most grocery stores or
Posted by: Lisa | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:46 AM
Dang, I was totally going to answer that first question for you - my husband and I are investments licensed. lol
Posted by: Karen {simply a musing blog} | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:52 AM
It was fun to join in today. Thanks for hosting!
Posted by: e-Mom | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:57 AM
As long as you don't have hard water, the problem with whites getting gray is that you are washing all of your clothes together. You need to keep whites separate.
Posted by: Sally | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:59 AM
water softener? bleach? borax?
better: throw out the socks
don't buy white socks or anything white
Posted by: Organizing Mommy | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 01:19 AM
I only own white socks. I have 12 pair of the exact same kind of sock LOL I use Clorox splashless bleach. They aren't really white on the bottoms of the sock, but the tops stay white. I wash my whites with only whites.
I love Oxyclean - it gets out stuff I'd never imagine would come out. I don't use it unless its an emergency though, as I always tend to breathe in an oxyclean cloud and I hate that!
Posted by: Kristin | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 02:26 AM sock help from me, but looks like you are getting plenty of good advice - which means that I am, too - LOL!
Thanks for hosting the backwards WFMW!
Posted by: Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 02:38 AM
soak socks in this overnight:
Tide with Bleach Alternative + Dishwasher Soap (liquid or powder)+ regular bleach = whiter than white socks.
but don't use the regular bleach too often or else you will be buying new socks!
I used to use the Amway Smashing White but it was discontinued. I loved that stuff.
Posted by: alexsandra | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 03:42 AM
If adding Oxy Clean to your wash doesn't work try this tip that works GREAT on cloth diapers.
In a large bucket, dissolve 1 cup Oxy Clean in 2-3 gallons of hot water (or better, use liquid Oxy Clean if you can find it). Once the water has cooled somewhat put your dirty whites in the bucket and put the bucket on your kitchen counter.
As the day goes by give the pot a stir every time you walk past it (about every 30-60 minutes). At the end of the day throw the entire thing in the washing machine, you don't even have to drain it, and wash with normal detergent.
Good luck!
Posted by: amy | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 05:07 AM
As the others have said, try Oxi clean.
Posted by: The Hunter's Wife | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 05:11 AM
You married up, Shannon--good for you. ~grin~ Brilliant question by Hubs. I was laughing out loud by the end of the post. ~smile~
Okay. I think, thanks to the plethora of wisdom nuggets from your so-informed readers, I can now stock an arsenal to wage war with the scourge of dinge and emancipate our dismal socks.
But, (not to belittle the state of the socks), the critical question remains: Will you post the answer to Hubs' question? I'm intrrgued by that negative convexity. ~smile~
All's grace,
Posted by: Ann Voskamp (Holy Experience) | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 05:17 AM
Okay, you had me glazed over for a few minutes. Until you started talking about the socks. (No idea how to fix it, by the way, but -- SOCKS! I know EXACTLY WHAT THOSE ARE!)
I love backwards edition. Thanks for all your work hosting this, Shannon! You ROCK!
Posted by: Llama Momma | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 06:04 AM
I'm with everyone else. I LOVE Oxy-Clean. It works great on those once-a-month stains that your teenage daughters get because they're not used to cleaning you know what properly, if you know what I mean!
Sorry about the lack of a backwards posting. I posted first before I came over here! Maybe I'll do a backwards one next week.
This week it's how to start your young teen on a clothing allowance, so it's a recipe to get rid of tons of headaches! Trust me...
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
Posted by: SheilaG | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 06:31 AM
A large scoop of oxy-clean in the wash with your detergent works well.
Posted by: Andrea Braun | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 06:39 AM
I have the same sock problem, so I hope that you get some good responses....
Posted by: warillever | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 06:43 AM
I soak in bleach water for bout an half an hour.
Posted by: Missy | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 06:59 AM
I also had this problem--especially with a son who loved to walk outside in just his socks. My solution--I bought him gray socks. For the past 16 years he has only wore grey tube or crew socks. They sell them at K-mart or Wal-mart. Now they also make black one! Life is grand!
Posted by: fern | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:13 AM
I'll be watching the comments cause I could use some advice here too!
Posted by: A Frugal Housewife - Blessed | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:18 AM
I would swear by Oxi Clean. I don't even use bleach anymore since after once or twice our stuff turns a weirdie color using it.
We use cloth diapers too and I soak those in a mop bucket of Oxi Clean and then just dump it in the wash. I have friends that just let the sun naturally bleach things by laying them out. Me? Not so patient...nevermind my kids would be running around the backyard with whatever I was laying out on their heads or something. :)
Posted by: Jolanthe | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:26 AM
I actually remembered to get my post up on Wednesday! I must be with it today! :)
Posted by: Carrie of Ceaseless Praises | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:37 AM
I read in an article once if you put an aspirin in the washer with your whites, it's supposed to help brighten them up. I've not tried it...but I'm tempted!
Posted by: Slacker Mom | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:37 AM
RIT Color Remover! It's like using RIT Dye but rather than making stuff different colors it removes the color, stains, and dingy.
Posted by: Linda | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:52 AM
Hmmm...are you washing them on hot? We always wash whites on hot and haven't had trouble, except occasionally when one of the kids ran around in theirs and got them extra dirty. Soaking with Oxy Clean (or the Dollar General equiv) usually gets those clean as well.
Posted by: Cathy | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:52 AM
I use Biz in every load of laundry I do, but I use a little bit more in my whites. It comes in liquid or powder. I can't find it at Wal-Mart (recent development) but I get it at the grocery store.
I also use the Clorox special care bleach that is safe for colors, but I only do this every other week.
Posted by: Andrea | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 07:58 AM
I think it's either taking a major capital loss by selling right now, or sitting tight and hoping that the markets turn around soon. The fourth quarter looks to be one of "hunkering down," so I think first quarter '09 will be a growth quarter and the financial risks should not be as much for selling at that point.
Posted by: Jendeis | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:00 AM
I love your BACKWARDS editions!
Posted by: Hope@Pinkadoodledoo | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:01 AM
I don't know if someone has suggested this, but at the store, look near the RIT dye. They have two products for this. One is called Color Remover and the other is White Wash. I highly recommend them.
You could also try old-fashioned bluing; follow the directions on the package. Every once in a while, I do a second rinse on my whites with 4 oz. of bleach added. They come out fabulous!
Thanks for hosting this each week!
Posted by: Heather L. | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:16 AM
Try a scoop of oxyclean with each laundry load. Before I put the clothes in, I put in the detergent and oxyclean and let it mix in with the water a little bit. It has worked for me with greasy stains, too. Good luck!
Posted by: Melanie | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:19 AM
Pardon me if this ends up being a repeat comment--but I found a great solution here on WFMW back in the summer.
Wash the sock load first, in WARM water, 3/4 of what you'd normally use in detergent and Oxi-clean (or a close cousin). THEN, as soon as those are done, start washer again using HOT water, 1/4 of detergent and 3/4 bleach.
I never had a problem with graying much, but it sooo helped with the dirt from people not listening and walking on deck/garage/sidewalk in only stocking feet. If someone can fix that, then I'll market it and we'll all be rich!
Posted by: Heather | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:20 AM
my mother told me recently that adding white vinegar to the rinse cycle of a load of whites really does the trick.
i have yet to try this as the rinse cycle is an elusive creature to me - i seem to always just miss it. good luck!
Posted by: mich | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:22 AM
Run your whites by themselves and dump some vinegar and baking soda in there with your soap. That should do the trick.
Financially, I would say GO ASK DAVE RAMSEY! (or at least visit He would tell you to pay off your debts and spread your investments across mutual funds that vary in risk. At least, I think that is what he would say...your hubs uses words that are too big for me to understand ;-)
Posted by: Renee | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:25 AM
Don't wear the socks outside and only wash them with other whites. That's the only thing I can think of if beach isn't working.
Posted by: The Wooden Porch | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:30 AM
That was too funny. I thought you were serious and I had absolutely no idea what in the world you were talking about.
Posted by: Kirstin | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:35 AM
Maybe you're already doing this. I don't know. I'm new to this homemaking thing.
Be sure to wash whites ONLY with other whites. Everything in the whites load must be fully white. No red flowers, so grey anything. Just white.
That works for me!
Posted by: Taryn | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 08:55 AM
Not sure as bleach has always worked for us. Sounds like the other ladies have some great ideas. :D
Posted by: Sherry | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:00 AM
I'm part of the oxi-clean camp. I have hard water, so we soak ours first in not quite boiling water for a few hours, it helps...and I buy my oxi clean at Sams club, much cheaper that way!
Now I'm going to be noodling on hubs' question all day! ;)
Posted by: Steph @ Problem Solvin Mom | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:01 AM
Wow, I actually started to get a little excited when I saw the first question (former investment rep here)!
As for the socks, I have no clue. My hubby now wears only black because I got tired of dealing with dingy white.
Posted by: Rachel | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:05 AM
Ditto on the oxi-clean. That stuff works wonders. And the spray is GREAT for stains. I have HONESTLY sprayed it on the stain, walked away and come back an hour or so later and the stain is GONE. Seriously. Gone. I use a scoop of the powder in EVERY load of laundry I do, and a double scoop in whites and towels, just for added "oomph".
I just discovered your blog, so I haven't done a WFMW yet, but I'll try to start next week - I'm in the middle of moving and just don't have time to work up a WFMW post today! :) But I love the idea and I WILL do one starting next your blog btw!
Posted by: Carla | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:08 AM
Shannon, you are so far ahead of me in the laundry dept. ! I am still trying to come up with a better way to get out that sour smell from towels...
Personally, I just figure that people are not inspecting my kids socks too closely. :) They NEVER wear them indoors. They take them off the minute they walk in the door. IT's weird... As soon as socks are hopelessly stained or have holes, they are sent to the dust-rag-or-dirty-job pile--they're very handy for that...
Advice on sour towels anyone? Bleach or vinegar? Wouldn't the bleach remove the color? Vinegar sometimes does the job and sometimes not...
Posted by: Phebe | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:10 AM
Hi Shannon! LOVE your blog & I follow you on Twitter! I have responded to you awesome Rep. comments! LOVE THEM ALL!!! I clicked the link you put on Twitter for BlogHer, will they be live blogging again tonight? Would love to chat with you via Twitter, but am not sure I am being followed? I am kind of new to it still, but have loved your insight on the election!!
Posted by: Sweet Sunshine Boutique | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:13 AM
Hoping to glean some good tip from you ladies!!!
Posted by: Dreaming of Mermaids | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:19 AM
I have nothing of value to offer on the laundry situation, I'm in the same boat, but it looks like I should go buy some Oxy-Clean!
(I am working on getting my post linked correctly, I am having trouble today for some reason. Thank you for your patience)
Posted by: Lisa | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:22 AM
My method of keeping socks white is two fold: Use VERY HOT water and use bleach EVERY TIME (or almost every time) you wash whites. Yes they wear out faster, but it's a choice between them wearing out a bit faster and looking decent. By the way - Personally, if the bottoms of socks are gray, I don't care - most people aren't going to be looking at the bottoms anyway! (they'll be covered by shoes!
Posted by: SH | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:37 AM
Oxy-Clean with a cup of great. Sounds strange but works....
Posted by: shellie | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:42 AM
I use oxi clean with bleach....I have the whole hard water thing here so it really works well when you double it up
Posted by: becky | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:46 AM
Amen to Oxi Clean, it works great!
Posted by: Munchkins and Music | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 09:56 AM
Buy black socks and you don't have to worry about it again.
Posted by: Gayle @ The White House | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:10 AM
Since I sell insurance for a living you had me going!! going going going gone that is, I do not mess with the financial industry only medical, life, dental, you know things that CAN make you smile :-)!!! Seriously, my dilemma is whether to buy dri-fit undies or not!! Seriously!
Posted by: Chel - An Abiding Branch | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:21 AM
Did you try bluing?
Posted by: Laura | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:27 AM
To get my whites gleaming bright, I stick to a few hard and fast rules of Mom's...
#1 - use only Javex bleach.
#2 - use a full cup of bleach for a load of laundry.
#3 - use a HOT water wash.
Oh, I almost forgot the cardinal rule!
#4 (it should really be #1) - always, always, always pre-treat stains with Fantastik. Yes, even sock dinge.
It's a lot of work, but not as much as the Martha Stewart method. And I tell ya, Mom's whites are gleamin'!
Posted by: ET @ Titus2:3-5 | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:37 AM
First question: Get a really good financial adviser. The downside: It costs a lot. Just make sure he earns his keep with your money.
Second question: We just wash our socks in cold water with Costco detergent. Our socks are still white.
Posted by: Luke Holzmann | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:38 AM
I'm all ears on this one, too. I'm right there with the commenter who said to live down south and ban socks for 9 months of the year. Works For Me.
Posted by: KimC | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:40 AM
Tide with bleach alternative (or Bravo with bleach alternative if you live near an HEB) and 1/4 cup of Baking Soda. Although I do buy my boy's socks that have white uppers and grey bottoms...that might make a difference! I also used to have great success with Biz bleach, but don't know if you can still find it in this century!
This sooo sounds like a question for Barb!
Posted by: Melody | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:48 AM
Sounds like Oxi Clean is the way to go. One thought I have about bleach, though. So many sock aren't 100% cotton anymore and if there is ANY synthetic in the socks the bleach can actually cause them to yellow or get dingy looking. So yeah, try the Oxi Clean!
Posted by: Diana | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 10:56 AM
Wash with vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda... and dry out in the sun. I can't get borax, oxyclean and the bleach here is unpredictable in strength - sometimes weak, other times so strong it burns holes in things... so I stick with the natural stuff. Seems to work most of the time; for socks with stubborn stains, I'll fill the machine with hot water and leave them soaking with one of the above mentioned overnight.
Posted by: Richelle | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 11:02 AM
I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet, but there is a product called Mrs. Stewart's Liquid Bluing. It's in a blue bottle and you can find it in the laundry section at the store. It has an old fashioned picture of a lady with a sour look on her face. It works great! Other uses include: whitening your white dog's fur, and making a salt crystal garden! It's non-toxic and bio-degradable.
Posted by: Robyn | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 11:03 AM
Oh Miss Shannon. I was all I know I've been immersed in mommyhood... but did I EVER know the answer? And, seriously... is this written in English?! I was so relieved to see your Socks question, lol!
We never allow shoes worn in the house so that cuts down quite a bit on how dirty socks get. Try a scoop of Oxyclean in with your wash, and (against all things Eco-Mom) wash them in hot water. It really does clean better. Also are you having a bleed over from other clothes making them dingy? Shout makes a sheet you can toss in your watch that catches the bleed out; you just throw it away when you switch the laundry to the dryer. Love them.
Great blog, have a blessed day!
Posted by: Whitney @ Baby Tunnel Exodus | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 11:17 AM
Thought I might be alone in it, but OxyClean truly is the greatest thing. I dump a cup in with the boys' clothes and the sox stay white.
It's also helped when my husband washed a dark red shirt with all his whites (and I'm too questioning about what he's doing out there by the washer?)
It also depends on the sock, what they're made of. Cheaper ones get grungy quicker, but oh, the pricey ones look great for a long time.
: )
Posted by: Molly B | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 11:35 AM
The bond market has got to pick up sometime soon. I'd just take a wait and see approach.
Socks? I make sure to buy the ones that are grey on the bottom and use oxi clean most washings, about every 3 weeks or so I bleach the suckers.
Posted by: Janelle | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 11:40 AM
Wow! Who knew that there was such a wealth of information out there about socks? My solution was to switch to the Auro EZ Match socks by Gold Toe. I tossed all our old socks and went to Target and bought new ones. I just bought each kid multiple packs of the same sock to make matching easier. The stripes on the toes make it easy for me to see who they belong to. And they're already grey on the bottom! Check it out at
Posted by: LeeAnn (AKA Frazzmom) | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 11:44 AM
Mrs. Meyers has a good smelling oxy clean product!
Posted by: Laurin | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:02 PM
It looks like everyone already beat me to the punch - OxyClean! I even soaked my OWN Christening dress in OxyClean before I washed it for my daughter to wear, and it came out BEAUTIFULLY. (Yes, it was 25 years old at that point - OxyClean is VERY gentle.)
When BBJ was a baby, I kept a bucket of water and OxyClean all mixed up and waiting in the laundry room. As she soiled her clothes (what newborn doesn't?!) I'd just chuck them in. No stains! Even chocolate stains that had already gone through the dryer. (Those were my stains, not hers. :-))
Posted by: Aunt LoLo | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:06 PM
Try about a half of cup of baking soda in the wash. I also use vinegar, in place of liquid fabric softener, and it really helps with the whites. Hope that helps!
Posted by: Nessa | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:29 PM
oxy clean...add a scoop to everything
Posted by: april | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:29 PM
I too love oxi clean. I have even used it to get stains out of stored more than a year baby clothes.
Soak overnight for particularly tough stains
Posted by: Diana | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:40 PM
While reading the intro to this post in my Google Reader, I thought, Surely she's kidding! Whew! LOL!
Posted by: Shauna | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:44 PM
I'm new to WFMW, but am so happy to be participating for the first time!
I wish I had a great solution for this!!! I have tried Oxi-clean and have been somewhat happy with the results...but there are just times when it doesn't seem to do the magic. I just buy inexpensive white socks and do my best with them, but when the time comes...they get turned inside out and turn into little dusting mitts for little hands! New socks come out of the package and into the sock drawer. :)
Posted by: Leslie | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:48 PM
I haven't read through all comments so please pardon if this is a repeat.
I was having the same problem. Not with socks but with hubby's lab coats. I went to the uniform shop and found out an interesting thing...
Nowadays, our white clothes are dyed white! Manufacturer's use a very light, light gray to make a "white" dye. When I use bleach ('cause I'm a bleach FREAK) I am stripping off the dye. The gal's suggestion is laundering white clothes the way I would colors and using only color safe, mild detergents. I bought their fancy one but have since run out.
I have stopped bleaching hubby's coats and they have remained sparkly white.
Apparently the old saying is true, "Less is more."
Posted by: Lainie | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:50 PM
If Oxi Clean doesn't work, you may have minerals in your water, which will cause the dingy effect for all of your laundry. To get rid of the minerals you need to get a water softener. There are several types on the market today, depending on your budget. We have the one where you add salt in a barrel and the water goes thru it.
Posted by: CatGranny | Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at 12:53 PM