Today's WFMW is a themed edition: Kitchen Organization. I'm not sure I'm entirely qualified to participate, since this morning I opened one of my cabinets and something actually fell out on top of me.
I tend to go in seasons when it comes to organizing my kitchen. Let's just say I'm out-of-season right now.
BUT I do have one little thing I've found lately--spices by J.R. Watkins. I first saw them on my Wal Mart shelves a few weeks ago, and I bought some, mostly because I could not resist the cute vintage boxes (AND they were cheaper than the other brands). Look at these!
Those containers are so adorable I'm trying to think of a crafty use for them, once they're empty. (Ideas, anyone?)
(And who is this Watkins company? Anyone heard of them? I'm loving their web site--evidently all their packaging has the same look. And the photo on the front page is cracking me up. Those ladies appear to be serious about their garlic powder.)
But the best part is that rectangular spice containers like these mazimize space in a kitchen cabinet much better than their round counterparts. And this particular brand prints the name of the spice on the side, so...
...look! Organization! (Why is that photo above is so satisfying to me? Why can I not stop looking at it? Am I really that starved for order?)
Have a kitchen organization tip you'd like to share? Leave your Works-For-Me Wednesday links below. First timers, check out the guidelines here. Please note that the links will close at 8 pm CST tonight, in order to keep away the spammers! And please, no political posts (because, you know, the issue of kitchen organization is a hotly divided one in Congress).
Was your link deleted? Click here.
1. Audra Krell (Kitchen Laptop) 2. The Well-Rounded Woman (Computers in the Kitchen) 3. aunt mommy (half measures) 4. Angie @ Many Little Blessings (Pantry Organization) 5. $5 Dinners (Dishwasher Silverware Holder) 6. kitchendoor 7. Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers (Do the Funky Kitchen!) 8. A Simple Walk (Kitchen mgmt/organization tip list) 9. Blue Castle - Aprons 10. We are THAT family (Kitchen Gloveliness)) 11. Happy To Be At Home(freezer cooking tips) 12. Jayme (Easy Fall Dessert) 13. Whitney @ Baby Tunnel Exodus (Dollar Store!!) 14. The Diaper Diaries (countertop) 15. Lora Lynn - Vitafamiliae (Stock Your Pantry w/Organic... Cheaper!) 16. Amy Beth (Taking Newborn Baby Pics!) 17. Raise Them Up (Islands and Spatulas) 18. For Cheap Sake (Streamline) 19. Everychapter (pantry bugs) 20. Amy @ MomsToolbox (masking tape) 21. Cindy (always clean kitchen sponges) 22. Liza\'s Eyeview (easy clean!) 23. Stretch Mark Mama (Spice Drawer) 24. Kristin (index cards 25. Green Baby Guide (DON\'T buy in bulk!) 26. The Apron Queen (Vintage Kitchen Organizers) 27. Amy @ A Day in the Life (Counter Clutter) 28. Judy (purging recipes!) 29. tina in thailand ( baskets, garbage, counters and cupboards) 30. Lisa@BlessedwithGrace(cookbook dilemma) 31. Kitchen organization to LOWER that grocery bill (SheMom) 32. Amy @ Finer Things (Never visit a new mom...) 33. Nichole @ A Call to Higher Places (5 tips for keeping things organized in your k 34. Buzzings of a Queen Bee! (Organizing Recipes) 35. Having Fun at Home (making rice crispies even more fun) 36. Lisa @ Elbows On Our Table (Merry Misfits) 37. Memarie Lane (purse safety) 38. Daiquiri (Homemade Salsa Recipe) 39. jen (monthly menu) 40. Melanie (Organized Grocery List) 41. Michele @ Frugal Granola (Space-Saving Silverware Storage) 42. At A Hen\'s Pace (getting stinky smell out of dishcloths) 43. My Precious Pennies {Lots of pictures!} 44. boysmum2 (kitchen cloths) 45. Herb of Grace (managing kids in the kitchen) 46. PENSIEVE (FUN in the Kitchen Gloves) 47. Kim @ Beanish & Other Languages I\'m Learning - Cooking Substitutions List 48. Melanie @ NotebookLearning (Organizing pot lids) 49. Rachel (washing delicates) 50. flexible dreams (ikea organizer) 51. Playful Professional (Save Money On Car Repairs) 52. Duckabush Blog (Master Grocery Lists) 53. Dawn@PSHelovesyou (clean slate) 54. Nicol (dating fridge items) 55. Becca {baggie storage} 56. Karen of Sillymonkeez (Space Above U\'r Fridge) 57. Kari (best recipe website) 58. Dawn (Baking) 59. If Only I Had Super Powers (school lunch organization) 60. Lee (help with kids\' lunches) 61. Melissa Lee (Striking Gold!) 62. Lee (favorite tool in the kitchen) 63. Lindsay @ Passionate Homemaking (simplifying your home office) 64. Org Junkie (organizing recipes) 65. Smellyann (Dish Apartheid) 66. Forgetfulone 67. Amy (Storing Onions) 68. GROCERY CART CHALLENGE (stretch your meat purchases) 69. mom2my9 (Cleaning a Diaper Bag) 70. ET @ Titus2:3-5 (pantry organizing and bulk storage) 71. Duckabush Blog (Links to Tips) 72. Deb (re-submitting \'snack drawer\' for themed WFMW) 73. Joanna @ OneKrustyMama (Tupperware and lots of shelving) 74. margalit (halloween decoration 75. Donna @ The Frugal Mom Blog(Apartment Living & Kitchen Organization) 76. Sarah (6 tips) 77. Mrs Organic (organize so the kids can help) 78. Amber @BGH (Pancake tip) 79. Catherine - Gear for Your Kitchen 80. Heidi @ Blue Eyed Blessings 81. Tara@Not So Perfect(Juicemix) 82. Cheri@What Is It NOW (Storage Containers) 83. col @ gigablonde (ojeez, it\'s kitchen day ... sorry guys, I wrote about expressi 84. elaine@homebutnotalone (Slow Cooking) 85. momsfrugal (shopping once a month) 86. Laane (Storing boxes and bowls) 87. Kim- Kitchen Dish Cloths 88. Stephanie (Organizing My Kitchen) 89. BusyMom (Organizing Canned Goods) 90. Jolanthe @ No Ordinary Moments (Monthly Meal Planning - with chart) 91. The Apron Queen **sTARBUCKS cOPYCAT rECIPE** 92. Sarah (Saving Spaghetti Sauce) 93. Jen M (fridge organisation) 94. Sandy ToesI(Soap Organizer) 95. Jolanthe @ No Ordinary Moments (Cupboards and Freezer) 96. Multitasking Mama (best spice rack EVER) 97. Kris- using kitchen wall space 98. Life with the Lyngs (baskets) 99. Minimalist Mommy (Organizing my baking cupboard) 100. Sarah (lots of links) 101. Jen (Top 5 Tips) 102. Quiet Quandaries (Spice Storage) 103. Chelsey @ Brown Eyed Basics (labels aren\'t just for nerds) 104. Muses of Megret (a handful of tips) 105. Mother Hen (Easy Clean Up) 106. Mrs. Sprinkles (clutter) 107. Sandra (feeding babies & toddlers) 108. Lynne@OurHappyHome (Command Center ideas) 109. Vickie@PursuingSimplicity(Kitchen Notebook) 110. Jerri@Jerri\'s Journey (Container Lids) 111. Erica (singing scripture) 112. Maria (My Top 2 Tips) 113. andrea @ who has more fun (reading recipes) 114. SHerry @ Lamp Unto My Feet (Put a Little Spice in your Life & Recipe) 115. Camian Academy (Ikeaware) 116. Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart (easy spice help) 117. Brenda (baskets) 118. Saving Sisters (Kid Snacks) 119. Motley Moms (dishes) 120. Petersonclan (Baby Bottles) 121. jodi (use your pantry!) 122. JessieLeigh (Paternity Leave) 123. Karen @ Living Well on Less (Clean on the fridge before you shop) 124. discursively happy (plasticware) 125. This Girl\'s Life (Maximize Shelves) 126. Kay-organized spices 127. Sheila ~ To Love, Honor and Vacuum (organizing your freezer) 128. Sarah (space saving!) 129. Megan (no DVR??) 130. Katie (breast cancer awareness) 131. Richelle (recipe organizing) 132. Full of Boys (running kitchen smoothly) |
133. Shannon (FREE Applebee\'s gift card!) 134. "Cents"able Momma (Recipe Binder) 135. Lynn (jars and labels) 136. Troye (labeling bulk items) 137. Miss Mommy (Oh, The Helpers I Have) 138. Julie Stiles Mills (highlighting past kitchen organization posts) 139. Heaven\'s Sake (Cabinet for Meds/First Aid) 140. Leanne - Dustpan and Brush 141. Mommin It Up (Create a \'kitchen nerve center\') 142. MamaHenClucks(Clean Off The Kitchen Desk) 143. The Gluten-Free Homemaker (wrap racks) 144. Denise Nielsen (3 Minutes To Peace) 145. Amy (lower cabinet org.) 146. Rebekah @Mundane Musings (Whiteboard Magic) 147. Stop the Ride! (applesauce) 148. Tamara (CLEAR YOUR COUNTERS!) 149. Ames (grouping items) 150. Kate (organizing with baby jars) 151. Suzie 152. Crystal (fridge clutter) 153. Bring on the Lloyds...(Quick Counter Clean-up) 154. Wildwood Mama (Rags instead of paper towels) 155. Perfectly Provident (Cheap space saving orgnization) 156. JoyD (Plastic Containers/ Tupperware) 157. The Pumkin Patch 158. Kim @ Just A Southern Girl 159. What\'s Cooking (portable salad bar) 160. Jennifer (Simplify Your Kitchen) 161. Sonshine(getting rid of the all day kitchen feeling) 162. Michelle@ SavingSomeGreen (Garbage Bowl) 163. Fuschia (re-submitting Pantry Organization) 164. Jenny (Use up those half-full snack boxes!) 165. April (keeping track of recipes tried) 166. 3cookieday (clean cupboards) 167. heidi (menu) 168. Kara(pot racks and label maker) 169. Trixie @ Farmhomelife (GREAT TIPS) 170. Hadias (dinner plate menu) 171. Amy (Swiffer Mopping Kitchen) 172. Kristi 173. craftymom (taco seasoning and a great deal) 174. Emily @ Little Home (Minimizing the Baking Mess) 175. amyB - CoffeePots 176. The Glamorous Life-wanna look in my drawers??? 177. Rachel (prayer list and bills on fridge) 178. Jacquelyn: Because I Said So! (no organization here! making reading fun instead) 179. Penny Raine 180. Barb J. (Feeding a family of 5 for $150 a month) 181. Deanna (law and order) 182. Southernseven (using expiring coupons) 183. Kristine (baby cradle cap) 184. KimC (pantry labels) 185. Kirstin: Misc. tips 186. The Happy Gardener 187. The Happy Gardener (Easy Snack Containers) 188. Tari at Grass Widow\'s Diary (snack central) 189. Doniell @ Raising Peanuts (mason jars) 190. Kathy C. 191. Erin @ Finding Joy in the Journey (toddlers in the kitchen) 192. ilovemy5kids (Rules in the Kitchen therefore HOUSE RULES) 193. Gretchen (OAMC Tuesday wrap up) 194. Milehimama (Ignore Organizing Rules) 195. Aimee (Thanks for the motivation!) 196. Ryann (Kitchen Designer\'s Tips) 197. Dusty(toddler utensils, spices, and veggie/fruit purees) 198. NerdFamily Food (Making the Most of Your Oven) 199. Lisa ~ mom of 11 200. SH (Stockpiling) 201. NerdFamily Things(Silicon Baking Cups) 202. Lisa (No-spill Pantry Organizing) 203. kitchendoor (Kitchen Aid) 204. Amanda (peeling eggs) 205. Rachael @ Beans & Rice (pantry storage: using what you have) 206. Karen @ Mommy, I\'m Home 207. Queen of the Click (refrigerator door) 208. Amy (Jehovah Jireh) 209. Extreme House Wifeing (baking organization) 210. JenD (container consolidation) 211. Rhen @ YESTHEYAREALLMINE 212. Lisa (Grocery List) 213. Elizabeth (Fast meal times!!) 214. Ashley Coombe (accepting help) 215. Frugal Carol Halloween in the kitchen!) 216. Fishbowl Sense - Use Baskets! 217. Sally (fruit & veg saver) 218. Susan (Easy Labeling Tip) 219. Robin@Heart of Wisdom (Sunrise Porch View) 220. Gina (dishwasher tip) 221. Holly (junk drawer alternative) 222. Jennie (easy shortbread) 223. Sarah (Superior Refrigerator Storage) 224. Jenna (keeping it clean!) 225. Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers (Fave Kitchen Gadgets) 226. Jewel 227. mzzterry( keep fav recipes here) 228. Wani (free printable calendar) 229. Marcy @ Stretching a Buck (Messy Drawer Organizer!) 230. Weighing In (cabinet lists) 231. Denise@Celebrate Freedom(Movie Giveaway!!!) 232. Veggiemomof2(humidifier) 233. Kelly @ Love Well (Try New Recipes) 234. Devion (Penzey\'s) 235. Dawn W (Crustless Pumpkin Pie) 236. Katie @ Perfectly Cloudy (Forgot the Ingredients?) 237. Wife and Mommy (hang up your pots and pans!) 238. Mrs. Mordecai (menu planning) 239. Linda\'s Lunacy(storing picnic dishes) 240. Rachel (Bring Out the Spice) 241. Cassandra-I Dunno, SO I Asked My Mom! 242. Saving Money Ideas (save time setting the table) 243. Amblin (Children\'s Cabinet) 244. Hatching Creativity (Compartmentalize) 245. Tanna (cookie sheets) 246. Vanderbilt Wife (organizing spices) 247. gillie (icepacks) 248. Carrie@SteppingOut (Best Make-up Ever!) 249. Tree Climbing Mom 250. Elena My Domestic church - good footwear in the kitchen 251. craftymom (how to peel an egg) 252. TexasTanya (Spices!) 253. Ten O\'Clock Scholar (Keeping Track of the Freezer) 254. Jane Anne (cup cake container) 255. Across the Brandywine (The Dishpan) 256. Sue (cooling cookies) 257. Maren - silverware in the dishwasher 258. Tara @ Feels like home (using chocolate) 259. Jenny (Recycled Drawer Organizers) 260. Sassafrassery (Organize for the next day) 261. Flowerpot (Fruit,Veggies & Plastic containers) 262. Rachel (good use of space) 263. The Bargain Shopper Lady (Freebies I Found For Your Kitchen) |
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Links are now closed. Please join us next week!
I love these Watkins spices! I can't believe Wal-Mart carries them and I will definitely be braving our Wal-Mart sometime soon to find these. Thanks for the great idea!
Posted by: Audra Krell | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:25 PM
Thanks so much for hosting this!!
Posted by: EveryChapter | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:26 PM
Those are very cute tins! What would I do with these once they're empty? I'd buy spices in bulk and refill them. This suggestion is very ironic, considering my WFMW post today is urging people NOT to buy in bulk!
Posted by: Rebecca (Green Baby Guide) | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:31 PM
That's GENIUS! I can't wait to pick these up; they're adorable & functional. Sold!
Blessings, Whitney
Posted by: Whitney @ Baby Tunnel Exodus | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:31 PM
I am SO going to look for those tea tins the next time I am in Walmart! Thanks for the tip!
Posted by: Buzzings of a Queen Bee | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:33 PM
I think in some strange way we all crave organization! Keeps our brains in order!
Posted by: $5 Dinner Mom | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:34 PM
I just noticed they are not tea...they are spices. Apparently I need some organization in my brain, not the kitchen! I still think they are adorable!
Posted by: Buzzings of a Queen Bee | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:34 PM
I love these spice tins as well... and their website picture was fun :)
Posted by: SheMom | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:35 PM
Those spice boxes are just adorable! It's almost making me re-think my magnetic spice rack that I speng $100 on. Hmmm. :)
Maybe you're like me. Just a little OCD to where anything that looks orderly is just beautiful.
Posted by: Blue Castle | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:42 PM
Those are too cute. Maybe you could put buttons or something in them later, then put them on a pretty shelf in your sewing area.
Posted by: Melanie | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:43 PM
I am sooo excited about these adorable cans. Fun. It almost makes me want to accidently spill my spice to get new ones. lol
Thanks for sharing & many blessings!
Posted by: Rachael | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:44 PM
You are not alone in admiring that beautiful photo of lined up boxes. aaaaahhhhh! It's the simple things that mean so much!
Thanks for this great theme this week!
Posted by: Amy @ MomsToolbox | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:47 PM
Spices and crayons have one thing in common. When you want a certain one, it's a pain to root through the whole stockpile!
These tins are adorable. Great tip!
Posted by: Raise Them Up | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:47 PM
I'm going to have to find these...I love how they look, and the fact that the spice is printed on the side! I love organized things.
Posted by: HeresTheDiehl | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:52 PM
Those tins are so adorable! When they're empty I would just keep refilling them with spices purchased from the bulk bins. They're too perfect not to reuse! :)
Posted by: Michele @ Frugal Granola | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:52 PM
Thanks for a themed edition. Had to stand in my kitchen for 5 mins to try and think about what works for me.
Looking forward to reading some of the others to get some useful tips.
Posted by: boysmum2 | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:54 PM
I do love me some tins! I really need to get my spices more organized, too. Hmmm..... shopping trip anyone?
Posted by: Herb of Grace | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:55 PM
You could always use them as "gift tins" tissue paper and gifts come out...for a houseing warming/bridal shower gift?
Cute tins!
Posted by: Dawn | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 11:06 PM
OH.MY.GOODNESS. I LOVE those tins!!!! They will go perfectly in my old fashioned farm kitchen. I had not seen them at Wal-Mart but I will be on the look out now!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!
Posted by: Kori | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 11:06 PM
Oh gosh those containers are great. The possibilities are endless. Mini flower pots, pens, pencils, make your own popcorn spice and give it away as gifts. I'll keep thinking on it!
Posted by: Org Junkie | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 11:44 PM
I bought some of those spices at my local Wal Mart. They are so cute... and I love how they are clearly labeled.
Posted by: Amy | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 12:06 AM
LOVE love love Watkins! I've used their products quite often in the past, I am going to look at WM again. Thanks for the idea!
Posted by: Joanna | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 12:27 AM
Did you know that you can put an Obama or a McCain magnet on your fridge to hold your grocery list or menu?
Snarkety snark snark, snark snark.
(I totally love the political comment. Every week. I laugh.)
Posted by: Stretch Mark Mama | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 12:42 AM
I've been so inspired by this week's themed kitchen edition. Wow! There are some organized and creative people out there!
Posted by: Heidi @ Blue Eyed Blessings | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 01:39 AM
Watkins has been around for ages! My sister and I used to go door to door for my Grandma who sold it for a good portion of her life. Their spices are fantastic and, according to a friend of mine, do not contain flour (used to keep the spices from clumping) so people with Celiac's and allergies and such can use them.
Posted by: Julie R | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 01:39 AM
Love these... I bought a few when I was in the States this summer....I confess I was swayed by the fact that my mom's maiden name was Watkins. :-) Love your blog... I've been lurking for a few weeks.
Posted by: Jenny Wheelis | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 05:51 AM
When I have a kitchen of my own, I will buy those spices.
Posted by: Chelsey @ Brown Eyed Basics | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 05:57 AM
Those spice tins look awesome! I'll have to look at my Walmart for them. Of course, I'll have to arrange them alphabetically!
Posted by: Jerri | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 06:30 AM
Those tins are adorable!
Posted by: Heather | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 06:42 AM
Now I NEED to run right out to Walmart and replace all of my spices! Those containers are so darn cute!
Posted by: Brenda | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 06:50 AM
My great grandma always used Watkins pepper! We use it too, its been around for along time!
Posted by: Happy Mommy | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 06:56 AM
You're right about the ladies on the website--definitely serious about their garlic powder! Great little containers!
Posted by: Rachel | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:06 AM
If your kitchen is organized, you feel organized. If it's not, it doesn't matter how good the rest of the house is. You feel discombobulated!
Our problem was that stuff would fall out of the freezer and bean us on the head every time we opened the door! You can go and read more about what I did!
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
Posted by: SheilaG | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:09 AM
I know Watkins was founded in Minnesota! GO MINNESOTA! (Sorry, born and raised here!) We grew up with Watkins products and their vanilla, pepper and cinnamon are my favorite. My aunt used to sell it through home sales...I about died when I saw the picture on your blog this morning and then died again when you said it was in Walmart! Go Watkins!!!
Posted by: Lynette | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:29 AM
I accidentally pointed my link at #120 to my general blog instead of the specific post. I corrected it as #140. Is there any way to delete the first link (120)?
BTW...I love you spice organization idea. The round ones are very hard to keep in order.
Posted by: Corrie at "Cents"able Momma | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:35 AM
Those tins are PRECIOUS! I'd have to buy them, too. :) And they are much too cute to hide behind a cabinet door...
Posted by: Bev | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:43 AM
Love those spice tins! :)
Posted by: Bev | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:46 AM
You could make a lamp out of them. Drill a hole through the top and bottom of the tins, stick a lamp rod through them, screw them to a wooden lamp base, and wire the lamp (you can buy kits at a home improvement store). Ta Da! A lamp!
Posted by: Condo Blues | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:57 AM
Oooooh! I really like those spices too. Those would really help me organize yet another kitchen space that needs organized. I find the photo strangly satisfying, too.
Posted by: MamaHenClucks | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:58 AM
I love those little boxes, they're definitely worth displaying, a bit like my trick of refilling all the good bottles of wine with water and putting them in the wine rack because God forbid any guests would think I'd drank the entire contents of my wine rack: )
Posted by: Leanne | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:58 AM
Watkins ROCKS!!! Be sure to try out their vanilla, too... but not the stuff you can find at Walmart. It's the "Original Double-Strength Vanilla" and it's in an 11 oz bottle. This stuff you don't have to be scared of licking off your finger! The ones at Walmart are the fakey ones and don't taste as good. Excellent in home-made ice cream!! I also use a white Sharpie and write the name on the top of the container since I keep all my spices in a drawer! Have fun gals!
Posted by: Rachel Joy | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:20 AM
I get knocked down by a spice avalanche every time I open my cabinet. Those are great!
Posted by: Suzie | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:21 AM
My first time here!!! Such a great site,, Thanks heaven I stumbled upon this site... I've just recently done my Kitchen Organizing and it is such a good timing,,, here is mine
More power to you!!!!
Posted by: JoyD | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:32 AM
Wow! I didn't know Wal-Mart sold these! My grandmother had been using those for years. (she passed away two years ago) She was this magnificent home cooker, raised on a farm. So I always thought whatever she used must be top notch. Thanks for helping find a place to look for them. You can bet I'll be getting some!!
Posted by: Coupon Geek | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:36 AM
I love the spice boxes...I need some of those:)
Posted by: Kara | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:48 AM
I am going to have check my Walmart(not a supercenter) for those spices, esp. for the Rosemary. I don't use alot of Rosemary so I don't get that one in bulk at Sam's. I never thought to check Walmart!
Thanks for sharing and hosting today!
Posted by: Sonshine | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:48 AM
I'm new to this. I guess I should have included a more descriptive "name" for my link than just "Kristi". But I talk about my own recipe binder, as well as some baby-proofing strategies.
Posted by: kristi | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:57 AM
I love Watkins! They have been around for almost a century, I believe. Their products are great for the family. I have never tried their spices, but I love their salve. I use it on burns, cuts and/or scraps and it seems to go away overnight. Their aloe vera gel is very soothing and healing as well.
Posted by: Jenny | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 09:08 AM
Dear Rocks in your dryer,
You probaly think I am crazy but for some reason my Mr. Linky was not working with my blog. I have one that is there but is not correct and doesn't link me. So I put it in again..I am so sorry! I don't know what happened!
-Sandy toes
Posted by: Debbie | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 09:14 AM
definitely looking for those spices! (Those ladies on the website ARE quite serious looking!) thanks for the tip, and I love wfmw! I've gotten so many tips that I use every day!
Posted by: rachel | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 09:18 AM
I love those spices too. I am in the process of switching from regular (round bottles) to the Watkins tins because it makes it much easier to identify the spice at a glance. Plus, I agree, they are too cute! :)
Posted by: Kathy C. | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 09:40 AM
OMG, you have seriously never heard of Watkins?! They've been around forever; since the 1800s, I think. My favorite cookbook is the 1936 Watkins cookbook. You don't know what you've been missing out on!
Posted by: Amanda | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Those are too cute! I'll have to check into those next time I need some more spices!
Posted by: Dusty | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 10:05 AM
Hi there,
Looks like I totally blew it with my first link--would you mind deleting it? I reposted. Thanks!
Posted by: kitchendoor | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 10:19 AM
Just please tell me you're putting them in alphabetical order! :)
Posted by: Michelle- This One's for the Girls | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 10:19 AM
My mom swears by Watkins - maybe refill them with the same spice when the canisters are empty?
Posted by: Mrs Lemon | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 10:32 AM
Here's to hoping that even reading these tips will result in me being more oragnized.
Posted by: Susan | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 12:04 PM
Hello RIMD:
I have similar boxes. I use them as catchalls. They are on a shelf in my kitchen - very decorative. The back of each box is labeled with names of what I want to "catch". Labels are easily change when needed.
Box 1: I save poptops from pop cans for the school.
Box 2: Wine corks I am saving for a craft project.
Box 3: Misc office supplies found here and there such as clips, erasers,etc.
Box 4: Is for box tops I am saving for the school
Box 5: Is bottle tops being saved for another craft project.
Posted by: Jewel | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 12:06 PM
those are really cute. hey, use them for random bathroom/linen closet/medicine cabinet/laundry room storage when they're empty: cotton balls, q-tips, safety pins, chapsticks, hair ties, barrettes, buttons, dental floss, stain removal sticks. they look like they'd do well in any room.
Posted by: jennycash | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 12:28 PM
I like those tins! Can you re-fill them?
Posted by: Jennifer D | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 01:30 PM
My dad and I turn tins like that into lamps.
We've used everything from General Foods Int'l Coffee cans to make night lights to Spaghettios and coffee cans to make uplights.
Just a thought...
Posted by: Lainie@ Mishmash Maggie | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 02:35 PM
And here my post was all about organizing round containers. I've seen those Watkins containers before and they are too cute!
Posted by: Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 03:05 PM
I had no idea you could buy Watkins spices at Wal-Mart! I LOVE their cinnamon and vanilla. Those retro canisters are soo cute.
Posted by: Deanna | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 04:42 PM
They would be perfect with fresh picked flowers...too cute
Posted by: Lalena | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 05:08 PM
I use many of Watkins' products. The vanilla, pepper, and cinnamon can't be beat. My grandma used to sell Watkins (it's kind of like Tupperware) to her family and friends and she has one of everything! The body products are of great quality as well. My favorite is their menthol camphor ointment to rub on a congested chest (like Vicks Vaporub but way better) in a cute old tin. I was recently told that stores can sell only up to 20 Watkins items at a time, so other products would have to be purchased online or through their catalog.
Posted by: Shannon | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 05:11 PM
Love those spice boxes! Thanks, girl :)
Posted by: the Roost | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 05:32 PM
Shannon, thanks so much for this awesome theme! SO MANY great ideas, all of which we can use 'cause we're so blessed to have a kitchen!
Posted by: marigold | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 05:49 PM
Can't wait to peruse these links! Thanks for organizing the carnival each week. So fun!
Posted by: Flowerpot | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:52 PM
Those are cute boxes. Are the spices any good?
Posted by: susieshomemade | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 07:54 PM
Oohh! Spices! I didn't know the Watkin's brand extended beyond cleaning products.
I fell in love with the cleaners during the brief time they were sold at Target--and now they're gone! Boo!
I'll definitely have to check the spice aisle next time I'm at Wal*Mart...
Posted by: Christina | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 09:22 PM
Girl! You can keep using those canisters by going to the bulk spice section at your market and buying the spice that goes into each can. Bulk spices are waaaaay cheaper anyway! Those cans are so cute!
Posted by: moobeema | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 11:05 PM
Those spice containers are the cutest - I have to get some! Thanks for hosting this one. I had NOTHING to share for this one 'cause I need all the kitchen tips I can get from everybody else!
Posted by: Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates | Thursday, October 02, 2008 at 01:01 AM
I think my grandfather was a Watkins salesman in Canada- probably in the 30s and 40s? I'll have to check it out. I didn't know Walmart had these- fun.
Posted by: lomagirl | Thursday, October 02, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Refill your cute Watkins tins with bulk purchased spices (so cheap!) at your local natural foods store.
deb meyers
Posted by: deb meyers | Thursday, October 02, 2008 at 02:40 PM
My Great Grandfather used to be a Watkins man. Sold it out of the trunk of his car all over south eastern Idaho. When I saw these boxes, memories of he and even smells of vanilla, spices came back. I enjoy growing many herbs and then using them in cooking. Rosemary grows well here. It is very medicinal as are many of these.
Posted by: kits | Saturday, October 04, 2008 at 08:12 PM
I'm so sad. I used to sell Watkins. I stopped once I found that they teamed with Wal-Mart and a few other corporate stores and are totally underselling their direct sales teams. I love their products but they should either go all in the stores or all in the catalogs or maybe split it up so their consultants don't look like idiots selling a product for twice the price of the store!
I'm glad you like the look of the products. Classic is priceless! They do not use fillers in their seasonings so be careful not to use too much. Try to cut your recipes down until you're used to their quality versus whatever you used before!
Try the cinnamon and pepper! Oh and the vanilla YUM!! And the salves for burns or cuts are amazing!
Posted by: michelle | Sunday, October 05, 2008 at 12:32 PM
I grew up in Kansas and my mom always bought Watkins. A man went around selling it and they would also set up booths at our local county fair. Can't believe it's in Walmart now.
Posted by: Trish | Monday, October 06, 2008 at 01:54 PM
we had a great aunt in Vermont who used to sell Watkins at the Vermont State Fair for her whole long life - don't know if someone has taken over. And Great grandma from Woodstock VT was a famous cook who would only use Watkins vanilla!
love the rows of cans: I love the spice sfromPenzey's, but my shelves are a jumble of bags and bottles
Posted by: Annie | Tuesday, October 07, 2008 at 09:36 AM