With budgets all over the place tightening down, I think most of us are not rushing out to buy $30 Halloween costumes. And while I really, really love the idea of slaving away at my sewing machine over something spectacularly creative and frugal, I simply don't have time for it this year.
In an effort to encourage both creativity and frugality, I've given my three older kids a three dollar--yes, THREE DOLLAR--limit for Halloween costumes this year. They have full reign to use anything we already have in our house, but they can only spend $3 on new items. And--here's the kicker--whatever they don't spend, they get to keep. This is music to the ears of my little seven-year-old capitalist, who has wisely chosen to wear a costume from previous years, and he's pocketing the cash.
They're learning creativity and frugality and (shhh, don't tell) they're saving me time and money. Works for me!
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I'm giving you plenty of notice for November's themed edition of WFMW, because it's going to be a good one! It's not next Wednesday, but the one after that, November 5th. It's the Toys Worth Buying Edition, in which we'll all share favorite and tested toys that you'd recommend to your friends. Please share your favorite toy suggestions, and save us all from buying gifts that are going to be relegated to the garage or attic after two weeks!
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Leave your Works-For-Me Wednesday links below. First timers, check out the guidelines here. Please note that the links will close at 8 pm CST tonight, in order to keep away the spammers! And please, no political posts.
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1. Blue Castle (DIY Stain Spray) 2. Audra Krell 3. We are THAT family (Christmas tip & Giveaway) 4. The Apron Queen (Un Stuffed Pepper Soup) 5. Missy @ It\'s Almost Naptime- managing kids\' snacktime 6. Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers (Hang in there Little Tomatoes!) 7. Jayme (Giveaway) 8. Mother Hen (un-clutter & a giveaway) 9. Life At The Circus (easy fall craft for kids) 10. Green Baby Guide (Best Dish Soap) 11. Christa @ No End in Site (cut clutter!) 12. Amy @ Finer Things (Living for Giving) 13. Amy Beth (Win $25 Starbucks GC!) 14. Deal Seeking Mom (Working from Home) 15. Lisa @ Elbows On Our Table (Hedgerow Treasures) 16. What About Mom (Sex sells, even WFMW) 17. Kristin (kid\'s clothes) 18. The Apron Queen (Easy Chicken Casserole) 19. $5 Dinners (Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles) 20. Kirsty@Momedy (Cute Cake Making for Dummies) 21. Carol ~ Workout Tip 22. Rebeckah(Growing Up) 23. Beth (free stuff at CVS) 24. A Simple Walk (electronically self-taught 4 year old) 25. The Diaper Diaries (healthy snacks/ GIVEAWAY!!) 26. Happy To Be At Home (school is fun) 27. Jennifer @ Extreme House Wifeing (How I Am Able To Stay Home) 28. The Happy Housewife (homemade doughnuts) 29. Carolina Mama (BlogHer Widget) 30. Genevieve (sack lunch salads) 31. Shalee (Great Bread) 32. Amy@Experience Imagination (the sounds of silence) 33. Kim @ Beanish & Other Languages I\'m Learning - Listening to kid\'s music without 34. Andrea@Under Grace & Over Coffee (Double Duty Conditioner) 35. Emily @ Little Home (Target baby shoes) 36. Rena (Pillsbury Crescent Recipe Creations) 37. Buzzings of a Queen Bee! (Easy Lampshade Rehab) 38. Michele @ Frugal Granola (Natural, Homemade Shaving Cream) 39. Stretch Mark Mama (Neighborhood Choctoberfest) 40. Melanie (kiddie movie reviews) 41. Ann (eating veggies) 42. Muses of Megret (Recipe reviews to remember) 43. skoots1mom 44. Jennifer (kids fun emergency kit) 45. ilovemy5kids (Shoes Shoes and organization of Shoes) 46. Kirsty@Momedy (Halloween cake idea) 47. Nichole @ A Call to Higher Places (Making a few $$ at Home) 48. Allie (Learning to be Frugal) 49. Staci at Writing and Living (Monergism MP3 Library) 50. Nichole @ A Call to Higher Places (Great Deal on Meat!!!) 51. Scott (No-Cook Meals) 52. Baby Tunnel Exodus (Halloween Candy Fairy) 53. Angie @ Many Little Blessings (Easy Strawberry Freezer Jam - Great Gift!) 54. Betty Beguiles (Modesty for Girls: The Skirty) 55. Mandy (using my own towel on the Swiffer) 56. Deanna (Etsy!!) 57. JanMary, N Ireland (entertaining kids on journey) 58. NerdFamily Food (Kid safe tool) 59. Luanne (lose weight, not money) 60. Making Money Keeping Money(Free Starbucks @ Barnes and Noble!) 61. Weird, Unsocialized Homeschool Mom (Blog Template Tips) 62. Raise Them Up (DIY Pavement Repairs For Driveway) 63. Abbie (Fun Superhero Craft) 64. SarahLCC (Kitchenaid bread) 65. margalit (Carpet Cleaning tips) 66. IfOnlyIHadSuperPowers (time out box) 67. NerdFamily Things (Taming Library Book Madness) 68. Amber@MMM (reheating spaghetti) 69. Kristin (Holiday Control Journal) 70. Penny Raine 71. NerdMom(Respecting Your Kids\' Time) 72. Mama Bear (KIDLET TIPS) 73. Amy (stuffed critter management) 74. Lisa@BlessedwithGrace(reed diffusers) 75. The Messy Mom (Cleaning out your closet) 76. Megan (Communal Clothing Share) 77. Deidra (stockpiling) 78. Heidi @ Blue Eyed Blessings (beet bundt cake) 79. Abel (A Parent\'s Guide to Teen Dating) 80. Liza\'s Eyeview (Costco Ginger Bread House) 81. Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates (Slow Cooker Recipes) 82. Munchkins and Music 83. Fairion 84. momsfrugal (free EBOOKS gazillions of them) 85. Tina (online banking) 86. flexible dreams (playdough color wheel) 87. Trixie @ Farmhomelife (TONS of Recipes!) 88. Anne (Ribbon use) 89. Mommin\' It Up! (eCoupons and a giveaway!) 90. Handmade Daily (autumn decor) 91. Hadias (Extending the Growing Season) 92. Tara @ Feels like home (a notebook) 93. Kim - Kitchen Gadget 94. BusyMom (Fighting the Common Cold) 95. Sarah (phone interviews for new writers) 96. Kim with Line Drying Tip 97. The Hunter\'s Wife - Creative Handi Wipe Use 98. Minimalist Mommy (pizza tip) 99. Multitasking Mama *finding the remote* 100. Patrice @ Blessings Amid Chaos - Peppermint Mocha Creamer 101. Steph @ Problem Solvin Mom (DIY Fairy Princess) 102. Denise@CelebrateFreedom(MY Heaven!) 103. mub (Free Audiobooks) 104. Chelsey @ Brown Eyed Basics (help amy beth: serve God by serving girls) 105. Jen (Tips for Photographing Kids) 106. Debbie J (Convenient Home Set Up) 107. Southernseven (braided stromboli) 108. "Cents"able Momma (Craigslist) 109. Miche (giveaway and quick recipe) 110. Queenmother (Filling out forms) 111. Judy (unloading the dishwasher with help) 112. JessieLeigh (Harvest Art) 113. Camian Academy (Softer Feet) 114. mom at home (Really clean tights) 115. Stephanie (Thrifty Way to Purchase Books) 116. A Frugal Housewife (a well stocked pantry) 117. Heather L. (Get Rid of Fruit Flies) 118. The Fat Bottomed Girl (Perfect Pudding) 119. mama2tlc (cheap green clean) 120. The Gluten-Free Homemaker (Not menu planning) 121. Clappy Shoes- Using my Garmin for Exercise 122. Kama (decoupage keepsake) 123. Fishbowl Sense - (The 3 B\'s of Organizing) 124. Jerri @Jerri\'s Journey [Photo Books] 125. The Happy Gardener (Making Pumpkins Last) 126. Sandra (shop and ship) 127. MamaMay @ Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles (get over the flu faster) 128. Kathy ~ Bona Vita (phonics) 129. Lynn (easy, homemade tomato soup) 130. Kara(a visit from the "cleaning" inspector) 131. Kim (Finding websites of interest) 132. Lisa @ Hopewell weekly family report card 133. The Apron Queen (Doing the Chicken Dance!) 134. Leaving Excess (Stair Baskets) 135. Tree Climbing Mom 136. Brooke - family memories 137. Prone to Wander 138. Darla (Using grape jelly as the "secret ingredient" 139. The Imperfect Mom 140. Olivia (cutting corn) 141. Everything Mom (Using leftover meat) 142. Crystal (teaching kids to serve) 143. heather (baby wipes) 144. Phoebe @ Cents to Get Free (Fabric Softener) |
145. Amy (Avoiding Toddler Burns) 146. Jinxy (Easy Thrifty Doughnuts) 147. Tara (make ahead lunch) 148. Rachel (Using Mypoints to stretch my budget!) 149. Babychaser ("Open Wide" for Toddlers) 150. Laura (Old Navy clearance) 151. Photoqueen (tasty AND healthy snack) 152. Michelle (coupon organizing, help needed) 153. Having Fun at Home (homemade baby wipes) 154. Bitty: (smoothie!!) 155. Lori @ Soccer Mom Says (Cosi) 156. Diane (COFFEE-every sip matters) 157. exhale.return to center. (library books) 158. What\'s Cooking (BBQ Basket-makes kabobs easier) 159. Terri @ Funny Farm (fabric organization) 160. VIckie@PursuingSimplicity(Holiday Gifts for Teens) 161. 2nd Cup Lid (Coping W/ Colds) 162. Sherry@LampUntoMyFeet (Hanging up kitchen towels) 163. Sheila ~ To Love, Honor and Vacuum (Going on Strike!) 164. Paige (washing machine and thanksgiving table costumes) 165. Amblin (Cheap, easy Halloween costume) 166. MamaHenClucks(Free Fall Arrangements) 167. Petersonclan (Getting School Done and Checked) 168. Suz (no more Swiffers) 169. SheMom (what to do with Halloween Candy) 170. Jilann (Hubby time) 171. Coco (Organizing your Blogging Pictures!) 172. heidi@Sacred&Profane (books) 173. Jacki - Halloween Ghost Marshmallow Peeps 174. Milehimama (The Family Closet) 175. The Frugal Mom Blog (Free PhotoBook From Inkubook) 176. Jennifer (Homemade tortillas) 177. Amy (Free & Fun Pumpkin Stencils) 178. jessica @pianomomsicle (DIY breastpump bra!) 179. BeyondJustMom (Praise that Sticks) 180. Runningamuck (Better Posture) 181. KidsandCakes (Peppermint Countertop Cleaner) 182. Trina @ Frugal Dr. Mom (Cheap Pet Antibiotics) 183. Reading Rosie (Meal Planning) 184. Wildwood Mama (Homemade general cleaner) 185. Alesha - Christmas Presents 186. Mrs. Sprinkles (Meals for new moms) 187. Katie (food portions for a party) 188. Christina Z (Toddler Chores) 189. Kaye (CVS-WAGs Shopping Planner) 190. Kirstin:painting clean lines 191. Julie Stiles Mills (response to a high fructose comment) 192. Territory Mom 193. Christina Z (Toddler Chores-with the right link) 194. Katey(Free Movie Downloads) 195. MemeGRL (twist on Christmas--Boxing Day) 196. sandwiched (Best book light ever) 197. Ryann (Costumes) 198. MG (remove super glue trick!) 199. My Twenty Cents Keeps Moving (free coffee) 200. Katie (cleaning with baking soda) 201. Dawn@PSHelovesyou (DIY ~gift of service) 202. Alana (fabric magnets) 203. Tiffany (Dropping Weight) 204. Allie @ Curvatude (Toddler Toothbrusing- I\'m new) 205. KansasKat (Cut Car Clutter) 206. My Precious Pennies {Taking it easy, budget-wise} 207. Michelle@ Saving Some Green (Laundry Sorting) 208. Amanda (kids snack) 209. Catherine (getting glass out of the garbage disposal) 210. Joanna @ OneKrustyMama (Quarters) 211. Sonshine(tackling Mt. Laundry) 212. Tonya (Buying Eye Glasses Online for $8/pr) 213. Wani (scrapbooking sketches) 214. Ice Cream (/countdown and shelves) 215. Vicki Arnold (love & logic) 216. Rachael @ Beans & Rice (Free Tasty Fiber this week) 217. Motherhood and Potatoes (Make Groceries for Your Child) 218. amyb (great facial scrub) 219. MB (Repurposed Bottle Brushes) 220. Alexandra(Make Your Own Yogurt) 221. Jennifer (Cheesy Sweet Potato Fries) 222. Frances @ LovingandServing (Swap a DVD) 223. Abbi @ Proverbs 31 Living (child training books) 224. Jess (Smelly Shampoo) 225. Alana (fabric magnets) 226. His Girl (Saving Money by DIY) 227. Kelli @ Country Mommie (Apple Dumplins) 228. Nichole - miracle cleaner :) 229. Rebekah @Mundane Musings (pumpkin whoopie cookies) 230. Adventures in Teething (Soap Scum) 231. Kerry 232. What Moms Want To Know (Save Your Money) 233. Miss Mommy- My Awesome Claws!! 234. Amy @ MomsToolbox (Weight Watching) 235. so much shouting, so much laughter (cleaning with baking soda) 236. Amy Jane (cooling hot cereal) 237. Angela @ Diapers & Stilettos (Calendar Organization) 238. Mozi Esme (kid alphabet crafts) 239. Sally (making ahead) 240. mzzterry (easy,cheap but thoughtful gift ideas) 241. Amanda (puzzles in car) 242. jodi @ bpr (accountability factor) 243. Lynn (Stuffed Cheese Meatloaf) 244. Jennie (low-sugar cookies) 245. Beth@A Mom\'s Life(Different Vegetable Dipping Sauce) 246. Melinda (PERFECT gravy) 247. Aunt LoLo (All my baby-raising wisdom) 248. Polly (Easy way to clean your microwave) 249. Delighted Mom (Free Diapers) 250. Goslyn (Perfect Potty Training) 251. Lisa (Vote: teenage son\'s "chin-do" 252. A Garden of Blessings (being sneaky with liver) 253. Enjoyer of the Journey (Freebie Blogs) 254. Suzanne :: Adventures in Daily Living :: (Candy Fairy) 255. kristine (Great Cheap Gifts) 256. Organising Queen (launch pads) 257. Leanne - Clearing Nose Blockages 258. Amber @ BGH (removing rust stains) 259. The Bargain Shopper Lady (Free Chocolate Truffles!) 260. Dusty(Crockpot recipes!) 261. Jen@The Most Important Work (laundry S.O.S) 262. Sarah (Grocery list organization) 263. 3cookieday (warm sandwiches) 264. Amy (used books) 265. Kristine (free movies) 266. Christine (cheap groceries) 267. Made-New (Save money on drycleaning) 268. Katie - Perfectly Cloudy (Stinky Vacuum) 269. Brittany (Inexpensive wedding gift) 270. Tamara (Taking SUCCESSFUL pictures of kids) 271. Jill @ MoneySavinDiva (grocery store markdowns) 272. Feeling Frugal (Inexpensive Recipe to Help Clear Blemishes) 273. Hotomom (House Rules) 274. Dodge&Weave (hand lotion samples) 275. Sunshine (Organizing Coupons) 276. chanelireli (getting your husband to cook) 277. Munchkins and Music (Halloween Music for Kids) 278. Grateful for Grace (healthier and cheaper period {yes, that one}) 279. Janelle (remove just about ANY laundry stain!) 280. Kerry (books) 281. Laura (finding the bright spots) 282. Tanya (Bob books) 283. Jenna (More Kmart Double Coupon Days!) 284. Life:Frugal and Simple (Easy & Yummy Chicken Alfredo Pizza!) 285. Marcy @ Stretching a Buck (Utility Budget Plans) 286. Julie - Coupon Saving Family 287. Weighing In (dryer lint brush) 288. mombrud (dry goods & emergency storage) |
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Links are now closed. Join us next week!
That's a really great idea. If I did that, my kids would be so motivated to come up with a home-made costume and pocket the entire $3. :)
Money and candy. Can't get much better than that.
Posted by: Blue Castle | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:43 PM
I love the idea of giving kids the option of spending their $3 on costumes or keeping it for something else. We wrote about creating Halloween costumes out of household items just a couple WFMWs ago on the Green Baby Guide. I wouldn't want it any other way!
Posted by: Rebecca (Green Baby Guide) | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:44 PM
I hope you'll share with us what they came up with for $3.
I think your idea is great.
Posted by: Pottery | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:45 PM
What a fantastic way to teach a little about finances and the concept of saving! Love it! I'll be anxious to hear about what they come up with for their costumes. Way to promote creativity and ingenuinity!
Posted by: $5 Dinner Mom | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:46 PM
When I linked the first time I linked the wrong thing. I am really sorry and hope you won't be angry!
So funny about your little capitalist saving his $3. Can't wait to see how cute they are : ).
Posted by: Rebeckah | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:47 PM
i love newideas about costumes...and i especially love home-made ones! thanks
my link is about a home-made remedy to "lurking corn holders"
: )
Posted by: skoots1mom | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:55 PM
Fantastic idea with the costumes! I can't wait to see pictures of what they come up with.
Posted by: Allie | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:57 PM
That totally rocks, Rocks! ;)
Beats the price of the costume I ordered online (plus inflated shipping, of course) for my 2 year old. She will be a bee.
This does serve a dual purpose. She will wear it to our church festival as well as the last games and the tournament for my 15 year old who plays volleyball. Their mascot (and mine some, okay many, years ago) is the Yellow Jacket. She'll be buzzing around the gym.
Maybe the 15 year old will take the $3 offer. I'm not hopeful, though. ;)
Posted by: Rena Gunther | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 10:59 PM
Love your idea of what they don't spend they get to save. Budding economists there!
Posted by: JanMary, N Ireland | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 11:16 PM
Great idea for curtailing halloween costume spending! It certainly does change things when it becomes THEIR money to spend instead of mine.
Posted by: Abbie | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 11:28 PM
I had to laugh at your "little capitalist" remark since I have one of those, as well. The grandparents have begun encouraging ordering water at restaurants because drinks are so expensive. The deal is, if the kids order water, after the meal the grandparents will give them a canned drink out of the cooler they carry around in their trunk, plus give them a dollar or two to spend elsewhere.
We went out to eat the other day and both girls ordered Coke. The boy gave me a sly look as he, without being prompted, ordered water. When the drinks arrived, the girls asked their brother why he ordered water.
With a big smile, he replied, "Because I want the $2."
I couldn't help but laugh.
Posted by: Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 11:30 PM
Great Idea! I think I'll do something similar for my boys. They keep begging for the cheap plastic stuff in the Halloween isles and I cringe and paying money for the stuff. Maybe if it were their money to keep, they'd be more motivated to make something better!! Thanks!
Posted by: Raise Them Up | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 11:31 PM
What a fabulous idea! I love anything that pushes kids to be creative (and teaches the value of a dollar--or three)!
Posted by: Amber@MMM | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 11:45 PM
Thanks for hosting this every week!
Posted by: Mama Bear | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 11:57 PM
That is ONE AWESOME ARROW you got there in that post.
Posted by: Stretch Mark Mama | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:06 AM
That's a really great idea.
Posted by: Timothy Sternberg | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:17 AM
Wow - And I thought my $10 budget per kid was good!
Posted by: Rachel | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:17 AM
That was good thinking! And it encourages creativity.
Posted by: Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 02:41 AM
My 12 year old son will be dressing as Indiana Jones from clothes found around the house. We never put a lot of expense into costumes. With a little imagination, great costumes can be thrown together with no expense necessary.
Posted by: Reading Rosie | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 02:49 AM
Shannon, first of all I apologize for initially plugging in the wrong link and could you take #96 off - it links to a recipe rather than my WFMW tip. I don't want folks wasting their time jumping over to my Puff Apple Pancake recipe when they could really be checking out my laundry line drying shortcuts at #99. Thanks!
And I think the budget idea is Brilliant! Especially since you're allowing them to gather items from around the house. A great tool for teaching frugality, creativity, and ingenuity. :-)
Posted by: Kim | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 05:32 AM
What a great idea! We have a hand me down lion costume this year, and my daughter has been practicing her growl - hilarious when coming from an 18 month old...when she gets a bit older I will definitely try your idea out.
Posted by: Steph @ Problem Solvin Mom | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 05:46 AM
We are getting creative this year, as well, thanks to Dave Ramsey. We have NO budget for costumes, so they're coming up with their own. Should be interesting...
Posted by: Katy | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 06:23 AM
I'm all for it! We often pull out the sports equipment for our boys or we hit Goodwill and modify the clothes. Great tip!!!
Posted by: Heather L. | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:05 AM
That's awesome. When I was growing up the rule in our house was we had to make our costumes from stuff we could find. AND we got free reign of my mom's makeup.
Posted by: alli | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:09 AM
Frugal and creative. What more can you ask for?
Posted by: Jerri | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:12 AM
Terrific suggestion! Thank you for this frugal tip. Can't wait to see and hear the creative ideas kids will come up with.
Posted by: Kathy | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:15 AM
that's a great idea! i like that you offer them the choice of keeping the money they don't spend. genius!
Posted by: prasti | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:20 AM
What a great idea! I love anything that will save me money:)
Posted by: Tree Climbing Adventures | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:28 AM
I'm a long time WFMWednesday lurker and fan, and a first time linker. (now I sound like I'm calling talk radio...) :-) It's fun to join in!
Posted by: Kristycho | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:34 AM
love it! I was thrilled to find my little fella's giraffe costume for this year at a consignment sale for $4 - especially since he's into giraffes right now and immediately fell in love with it when I brought it home. A definite winner!
Posted by: jodi @ bpr | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 07:59 AM
I can top yours! ;) I tell my kids around the first week of October that they can dress up for Halloween and we can do the church party thing, but I'm not spending a dime. Not only do I save money, but I get TONS of free time as they spend HOURS with our well-stocked-from-garage-sale-free-boxes costume box all month long! My five year old wants to wrap in a torn up pale green sheet and be a bouncy ball!
Posted by: Tara | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:09 AM
Just found my way here last week. This is my first time playing along! Very fun!!!
Posted by: Erin Goodman | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:15 AM
What a great idea! And wow, what a tough challenge - $3! I have to admit, I spent significantly more than that on Photobaby's first Halloween costume for this year. But the bulk of the cost is for a shirt and pants that she'll be able to wear again. Right. Yes, that's how I can sleep at night...and convince my husband it wasn't a foolish spend in these tight times! :)
Posted by: Photoqueen | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:27 AM
That is a great idea! We are reusing a costume that I bought at a consignment sale and my oldest is wearing one that I found at a thrift store last spring.
Posted by: Awesome Mom | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:33 AM
That is really and awesome idea! I might just have to use it because Halloween costumes are exspensive!
Posted by: Heather | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:42 AM
Fantastic idea! We've been recycling costumes around here for the past 4 years. We take pieces of the ones we have and make a "new" costume out of it. A couple years ago my youngin' wanted to be Bob the Builder...no money out of pocket. I like when they want to be something that can come right from their clothes and toys.
Love the new look too - very fall like!
Posted by: mom_of2boys | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:45 AM
i bought my son's Halloween costume last year a couple of days after Halloween at Target: He's Batman and it only cost $4! The same costume is still there this year and is $16. i spent quite a bit more on my new little daughter's Halloween costume, i'm ashamed to say!
Posted by: jessica @pianomomsicle | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:01 AM
I'm SOOO looking forward to November's WFMW!! Not that I have anything great to share, I just want to read everyone else's great choices. =0) Thanks!
Posted by: Runningamuck | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:08 AM
That's a cool idea to get the kids involved with saving money and being wise... Thankfully all my kids are grown and I don't have to do costumes anymore. Wish I had known this back then!
Posted by: Merrie. | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:08 AM
Oh, I wish I had read your post before spending money yesterday on a costume.
Thanks so much for hosting WFMW. I'm just getting started, and it's a great way to get a few people to look at my site!
Posted by: Pam at BeyondJustMom | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:09 AM
Oops! Sorry I put my homepage link last night instead of the post link. At 3:00a.m. I wasn't thinking clearly :)
Posted by: Reading Rosie | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:11 AM
I can't wait to show off my CHEAP Halloween costume (yes, I am dressing up as I am taking the kids to two parties next week.) Ivy and I will be all in black, I'll be wearing her in a black sling, and I'll have on butterfly wings. We're a butterfly! : )
Posted by: Adventures In Babywearing | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:13 AM
So many costumes are on sale before Halloween!!
Posted by: Christina Z | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:26 AM
Do you think maybe with the Toys Worth Buying edition a child age could be included in the title that way those of us looking for toys for a certain age range don't have to click every link? It would save time!
Posted by: Audra | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:32 AM
To think that I was patting myself on the back for keeping Princess's costume cost down this year. I convinced her that $40 was just too much to dress up like Belle for a night, especially since she would have to cover it up with a coat to go Trick-or-Treating anyway. So she decided to be Patch from 101 Dalmations. One white sweatsuit, less than $1 in felt and some stitching and we have a dalmation costume. When the holiday is over I can rip off the black felt dots and she can wear the sweatsuit.
But you're costume plan beats that. You are the Queen of Halloween Frugal!
Posted by: T with Honey | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:39 AM
We don't do costumes for Oct 31st but the kids love to play dress up ...so afterwards we pick up quite a few next to nothing customs for Christmas presents!
Posted by: Dawn | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:05 AM
What a wonderful idea - I'll have to tuck it away for when my kids get a little older. As for this year, my husband got suckered into buying our little boy a $50 Jedi costume . . . .don't even get me started!
Posted by: Alana @ Gray Matters | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:06 AM
I love the $3 idea...too bad I already blew that this year.....but I purchased a black sweat shirt & sweat pants that will be wearable all winter long!!! ($10) and a piece of fabric ($1.50).....so If we count just the fabric I guess I did well for little man!!!!
Posted by: Kat | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:15 AM
Love the new look!
Posted by: Michelle | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:20 AM
I really like this idea. This is something I can relegate to myself and the fiance, as for the first time in eons we are attending a Halloween Party.
Posted by: Jeni from Kansas | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:35 AM
I so love the $3 limit! Especially since we are also becoming more money aware at our house.
Love the new look!
Posted by: Vicki Arnold | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 11:02 AM
I love the combo of teaching your kids to be frugal and resourceful! Great tip:)
Posted by: Rachael Crosby | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 11:03 AM
I love this idea! My daughter will be wearing her outfit from her spring dance recitle and my son will go in his camafloge (as a hunter)
Posted by: Jennifer | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 11:18 AM
That's a great idea! We were clothes shopping for my kids at Target the other day and my 12 yr old really wanted a tuxedo t-shirt that looked like a skeleton underneath. Not for Halloween, just to wear. I bought it for him, and he decided that he is going to wear it just as a regular t-shirt, but he is also going to pain his face like a skeleton and wear the shirt. So, for $6.99 he got a shirt and costume!
Posted by: Michelle | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:11 PM
Great tip! Next year I'll get my kiddies involved in their (frugal) costumes. I'd love to see a picture of your children's ingenuity!
For now, I'm just having too much fun. This year I've got a Captain Hook, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. :o)
Blessings, Whitney
Posted by: Whitney @ Baby Tunnel Exodus | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:16 PM
Good way to have the kids take responsibility, both in their costume AND in the family finances. I'm all about cheap and easy... when it comes to Halloween costumes, that is.
Posted by: angela =^) | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 12:21 PM
i like your little blog makeover!
great tip!
Posted by: kristine | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 01:39 PM
LOL. That's a great idea. My 8 yr old would be pocketing the cash, too. :)
Posted by: Amber (BGH) | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 01:58 PM
Great idea! I wish that I would have thought of doing something similar!
Posted by: Dusty | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 02:21 PM
i love cheap costumes...my girl's (ages 11 and 21 months) are halloween fairies. The only thing I had to buy, wings. I found them at Big Lots for $2.50 each and I spray painted them black. We have enough leotards, tights and tutus to make up the rest of the costume.
My son hasn't decided yet...I'm trying to stear him towards a soldier since he has camo clothes
Posted by: april | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 02:27 PM
Just got my Compassion magazine in the mail. Your article is beautiful. So are you.
Posted by: Marla Taviano | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 03:32 PM
Good idea. Costumes can get expensive!
Posted by: Munchkins and Music | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 05:12 PM
My kids costumes this year fall into this system, too. My oldest is going to be some sort of alien creature. His outfit came from a yard sale for $1. My daughters are going to be a Pegasus - she got a very nice warm and furry costume from a thrift store for $2 - and a cat. For the cat, we found a Libby Lu black fuzzy bodysuit at a thrift store for $2, then found a headband with cat ears and a lonnnnnng tail (we're cutting it and making it a tail as well as furry cuffs around her ankles and wrists) for .25 at another thrift store. My mom gave her a cat nose for free. They all LOVE their costumes, and I spent a minimal amount! Oh yeah, and I have to dress up for the fall parties, too. I am going to be a judge - got the gown at a thrift store for a buck! :)
Posted by: Janelle | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 05:58 PM
My 7 yo is using a Family Fun idea. We are taping or hot gluing packages of Smarties all over her jeans and she is going as a Smarty Pants. Which is, of course, some days reality. =)
Posted by: Robin | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 08:08 PM
I love that you are giving the kids a budget and letting them have the fun and responsibilty of creating a costume all while learning about finances!!
Posted by: Rachel | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 09:11 PM
I love the idea for Nov. 5. One suggestion: could you ask that everyone suggest what age the toy is appropriate for?
Thanks for the great blog. I enjoy it daily, and I love your new look!
Posted by: Jen | Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:29 PM
As a teacher I am *thrilled* with this idea! For the past several years I have lamented that Halloween has been taken away from kids by adults and consumerism. Back in the days when most costumes were made or thrown together kids were in on the creativity. Three cheers for this idea!
Posted by: Jane | Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 12:09 AM
My 3 year old is going as "mary poppins" this year -- wearing my circa 1982 first communion dress! :)
Posted by: Going Green Mama | Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 08:17 AM
My 3 year old is going as "mary poppins" this year -- wearing my circa 1982 first communion dress! :)
Posted by: Going Green Mama | Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 08:18 AM
My daughter, bless her heart, chose to be a soccer player this year. The cost: $0.00. She just wants to wear her team uniform. Not a very creative idea, but it's what she wants and it's free!
My husband and I always attend an adult Halloween costume party. I hate spending money on costumes for us, so I try to use what we have at home. This year I am wearing all pink- pink shoes, pink socks, pink pants, pink hoodie sweatshirt. Then I am attaching a dollhouse table to the top of my hoodie. What am I? A huge wad of gum stuck under a table. Hardy har har- my husband found that idea and thinks it's hilarious. I just like it because it's free.
Posted by: Kara | Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 11:18 AM
My favoite costume when I was around 10
to 12 was to buy a large pumpkin, hollow
it out from the bottom....cut a large enough hole for my head to fit in (after putting on a shower cap)....I wore an oversized orange sweatshirt and black tights! No ONE could ever guess who I was
and I loved it!! Pam, South Bend
Posted by: Pam | Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 04:29 PM
What a great idea! I'm going to try this next year.
Posted by: Jami | Friday, October 24, 2008 at 11:32 AM
My rule is pretty much that ALL Halloween costumes start with a warmup. Ninja Turtles when the boys were little (but we didn't do much in the way of Halloween). I would pick up princess dresses at garage sales, etc during the year for dressup.
Last year, black warm up, black glove on one hand, white glove on the other hand and white sneakers. Kitten ears and eye pencil on nose and whiskers.
I think this year she will be a gray or black kitten again...it's really easy and something to sleep in during the winter.
Posted by: Susan | Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 08:46 PM